Movie Quotes from True Colors: Quotes from the movie True Colors

Don’t get caught.

Friendship is like the morning dew……. it settles on roses and it settles on some dogshit…..

He’s FUCKING with me!

My father used to say that friendship is like the morning dew………. it settles on rose petals… and it settles on some dogshit.

My old man once had a saying, that friendship is like the morning dew: It settles on some roses, and it settles on some dogshit.

They got boys can fix your bursitis, sharpen up your game, and wipe out your campaign debt before you’ve got off the first tee.

We may not always get what we want, we may not get what we need, just so’s long as we don’t get what we deserve.

We may not always get what we what. We may not always get what we need. Just so we don’t get what we deserve.

You know the old saying in Washington: There are only two things that can ruin your career, getting caught with a live boy or a dead girl.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘True Colors’: Quotes from the movie ‘True Colors’

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