Movie Quotes from Towering Inferno, The: Quotes from the movie Towering Inferno, The

– 7.30pm on the dot….. I hope you like your men prompt…….
– At my age I only care that they turn up at all…..

–Did you leave a cigarette burning?
–That’s not a cigarette.

–I brought you up here to sell you a thousand shares in Greater Anaheim Power and Light.
–Is it a good investment?
–There is no Greater Anaheim Power and Light. Only the certificate I had printed.

–The mayor’s out there. Do you want me to pull rank on you?
–When there’s a fire, I outrank everybody here.

–What’ve we got here, Kappy?
–Fire started 81st floor. Storage room. This is a bad one.

–Where are those choppers, Kappy?
–Navy’s been alerted.

–You know, we were lucky tonight. The body count was less than two
hundred. One day, you’re going to kill ten thousand in one of these, unless someone asks us how to build them.
–Okay, I’m asking.
–You know where to find me.

-I would suggest that those of us with stout hearts and trim waistlines start using the stairs.
-That’s 135 floors!
-All downhill.

1/ If you asked to me go to the North Pole or the Cliffs of Mendecino…. I’d go
2/ What if I asked you tomorrow?

1/ 7-30pm on the dot_____ I hope you like your men prompt_____
2/ At my age I only care that they turn up at all

1/ I can’t do it…. I’ll fall…. I know I’ll fall….2/ OK____ then you go first….. that way if you *DO* fall you won’t take any of us with you

1/ You know, we were lucky tonight…. The body count was less than two hundred. One day, you’re going to kill ten thousand in one of these firetraps and I’m gunna keep eating smoke and bringing out bodies ’til SOMEONE asks me, how to build em

2/ Okay…..I’m asking.

1/ You know where to find me… see ya round, architect!

1/ You’ll never leave!!_____
2/ Come down later and watch me burn my tuxedo

1/ Your’e crazy!!____ How do you know it’ll work???…. you could kill everybody up there!!_____
2/ I don’t think so_____
1/ You dont THINK????____

1/_ I don’t think you’re aware of all the fire prevention devices we have installed in this building… we got ’em all
2/_ OK… it’s your building but it’s my fire

1/_Now just how bad is it?
2/_ It’s a fire, mister, and all fires are bad

Architects. Yeah, it’s all our fault. Now, you know we don’t have a sure way to fight a fire over the seventh floor, but you just keep building ’em higher and higher. Hey. Are you here to take me on, or the fire?

Are you here to take me on or the fire?

At this rate it’s going to take a couple of hours to get everyone down. So, I would suggest that those of us with stout hearts and trim waistlines start using the stairs.
That’s 135 floors.
All downhill.

Callahan was testing a backup generator. There was a power surge and system failure.

Cement for Christ’s sake can you send a guy up to break it loose?

Damnit man, how do you expect here to answer the phone?… she’s deaf!

Did you change Doug’s electrical specifications?
I most certainly did. For God’s sake, why? The reason should be obvious, especially to you.
We’ve got a fire, and if it was caused by anything you did I’m going to hang you out to dry, then I’m going to hang you!

Doug I think you are overreacting

Every piece of wire I put in that building is strictly up to code – inspected and approved.

For what it’s worth, Architect, this is one building I figured would never burn.

Have you been screwing around with my electrical specifacations?

High-rise roulette.

How are you going to get the explosives up here?
Oh They’ll find some dumb son of a bitch to bring it up!

How do I get back down?

I don’t know. I think they ought to leave it the way it is. A kind of shrine of all the bullshit in the world.

I hereby dedicate this magnificent glass tower tallest building in the world.

I know what I’m gunna do…. get quietly drunk

I sure hope that fire’s on the first floor.

I want to know who they are, not where there are.

I’ll be back with the whole fire department!

I’ll be back, with the entire fire department.

If there’s any consulation, I am going to be the last one out of here along with my son-in-law

If you had to cut costs, why didn’t you cut floors instead of corners?

It’s a fire and all fires are bad!

Listen listen! Now these express elevators can be activated by fire and with the probability of short circuits the cars might stop on the floor where the fire is, so we’ll be taking you down by the scenic elevators. Now bak in to the promenade room!

Maybe they should leave it just the way it is. A shrine to all the bull@#$ in the world.

Now just how bad is it?

Pass me a pair of dykes

Say, Kitty, I almost missed ya.

So How do I get back down?

Oh shit!

That’s the 29!

The women are gone, we are next.
You’ve all got numbers, and you’re going to take them. And if it’s any consolation, I’m going to be the last one out of here, along with my son-in-law!

They say he used to wrestle alligators________ of course he was younger then

They say he used to wrestle grizzly bears in Montana…. of course he was younger then….. and probably in better condition

This is O’Hallern who am I speaking to?

This magnificent building represents yet another landmark in a long succession of landmarks for this great city.

We could get fires breaking out everywhere!

We got a fire here!

We May Never Love Like This Again.

We’ve got a fire. And If it was caused by anything you did I’m going to hang you out to dry and then I’m going to hang you!

What do they call it when you kill people?

What do they call it when you kill people??

What ever happened to hello?

What for? We’ve got a fire here!

What happened? Somebody hang the wallpaper upside-down?

When there’s a fire I ourank everyone here

When there’s a fire I outrank everyone here

When there’s a fire I outrank everyone here.

Years from now when they talk about this, and they *WILL* talk about this…. remember to tell them it was *my* idea

You design ’em, I’ll build ’em.

You don’t mean us to fight a fire above the 7th floor but you guys keep building them as high as you can!

You going to trot right up to 79 are you?

You know we were lucky tonight, body count’s less than 200. Someday you’re gonna kill ten-thousand in one of these firetraps, and I’ll keep eating smoke and carrying out bodies until someone asks us how to build them.
Ok, I’m asking.
You know where to reach me.

You know, one day, somebody’s gonna kill ten thousand in one of these fire traps,….and I’m gonna keep eating smoke,….until somebody asks US how to build ’em.

You know, we don’t have a sure way to fight a fire over the seventh floor.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Towering Inferno, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Towering Inferno, The’

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