Movie Quotes from Touch of Evil: Quotes from the movie Touch of Evil

–This could be very bad for us.
–For us?
–For Mexico, I mean.

A lawyer, all a lawyer cares about is the law.

A policeman’s job is only easy in a police state.

An hour ago Rudy Linnekar had this town in his pocket, now you can strain him through a sieve.

Darling, you’re a mess. You should lay off the candy bars.

He was a great detective, but a lousy cop.

He was some kind of man. What does it matter what you say about people?

I understand very well what he wants. Tell him I’m a married woman, that my husband is a great big official in the government, ready and willing to knock out all those pretty front teeth of his.

That’s the second bullet I’ve stopped for you.

There are plenty of soldiers that don’t like war. It’s a dirty job enforcing the law, but it’s what we’re supposed to be doing.

Vargas will turn you into one of these starry-eyed idealists. They’re the ones making all the real trouble in the world. Careful,
they’re worse than crooks. You can always do something with a crook.

Well, Hank was a great detective all right.

Well, what have I got to lose?…Don’t answer that.

You don’t leave fingerprints on a piece of string.

Your future is all used up.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Touch of Evil’: Quotes from the movie ‘Touch of Evil’

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