Movie Quotes from To Kill a Mockingbird: Quotes from the movie To Kill a Mockingbird

(Jean Louise [Scout]) Why there he is, Mr. Tate. He can tell you his name… Hey Boo! (Her father [Atticus]) Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley. I believe he already knows you.

1) What are you gonna give me? 2) Well, I don’t know that I have much else of value that belongs to me. But there’s a pearl necklace. There’s a ring that belonged to your mother. And I put them away and they’re to be yours.

1)My goodness gracious, look at your flowers. Have you ever seen anything more beautiful? Miss Dubose, the gardens at Bellingrath have nothing to compare with your flowers. 2)Well, I don’t think they’re as nice as last year. 3) (whispers) He gets her interested in something nice, so she forgets being mean. 1) I think your yard is gonna be the showplace of this town. Well, grand seein’ you, Miss Dubose.

1)What’s so interestin’? 2)You’re left-handed, Mr. Ewell.

1) Good afternoon, Miss Dubose. My, you look like a picture this afternoon. 2) (whispers) He don’t say a picture of what.

1. Hey, Miss Dubose. 2. Don’t you say hey to me, you ugly girl! You say good afternoon, Miss Dubose.

1.Looks like she didn’t have nobody to help her. I felt right sorry for her. She seemed… 2.You felt sorry for her? A white woman? You felt sorry for her?

Atticus says cheating a black man is ten times worse than cheating a white.

He can do plenty of things… He can make somebody’s will so airtight you can’t break it. You count your blessings and stop complaining, both of you. Thank your stars he has the sense to act his age.

Jean Louise. Jean Louise, stand up. Your father’s passing.

That boy is your company. And if he wants to eat up that tablecloth, you let him, you hear? And if you can’t act fit to eat like folks, you can just set here and eat in the kitchen.

and I’ll-I’ll spank you

Didn’t you know your daddy’s the best shot in this county?

Don’t you remember me, Mr. Cunningham? I’m Jean Louise Finch. You brought us some hickory nuts one early morning, remember? We had a talk. I went and got my daddy to come out and thank you. I go to school with your boy. I go to school with Walter. He’s a nice boy. Tell him ‘hey’ for me, won’t you? You know something, Mr. Cunningham, entailments are bad. Entailments…

He can do plenty of things…He can make somebody’s will so airtight you can’t break it. You count your blessings and stop complaining, both of you. Thank your stars he has the sense to act his age.

Hey Boo.

Hurry up Scout. I’m try’in to!

I can’t use my left hand at all. I got it caught in a cotton gin when I was twelve years old. All my muscles were torn loose.

I felt right sorry for her.

I may not be much Mr. Finch, but I’m still sheriff of Maycomb County. And Bob Ewell fell on his knife. Good night sir.

I think your dress is mighty becomin honey.

I was thirteen orfourteen, I remember when my daddy gave me that gun,he told me never to point it at any thing in the house, and he rathered I shoot at tin cans in the back yard, but sooner or later ,he supposed, the temptation to go after birds would be to much, I could shoot all the bluejays I wanted, if I could hit them,but to remember, it was a sin to kill a mockingbird, I think that mockingbirds don’t do anything but make music for us to enjoy, they don’t eat peoples gardens, don’t nest in the corncribs, they don’t do one thing but just sing their hearts out for us.

I’m little but I’m old.

In the name of God! Do your duty.

In the name of God! Do your duty!

it is a sin to kill a mocking bird

It is a sin to kill a mockingbird.

Listen, no matter what she says to you, don’t answer her back. There’s a Confederate pistol in her lap under her shawl and she’ll kill you quick as look at you. Come on.

Maycomb was a tired old town, even in 1932.

Neighbors bring food with death and flowers with sickness and little things in between. Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives. But neighbors give in return. We never put back into the tree what they had taken out of it: we had given him nothing, and it made me sad.

Neighbours bring food with death, and flowers with sickness, and little things in between. Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a knife……and our lives.

Now, gentlemen, in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal.

Oh nothing…nothing, somebody just walked over my grave is all

Person 1) Do you know what a compromise is? Person 2) Bendin’ the law? Person 1) Uh, no. It’s an agreement reached by mutual consent. Now, here’s the way it works. You concede the necessity of goin’ to school, we’ll keep right on readin’ the same every night, just as we always have. Is that a bargain?

Scout:…an’ Atticus, when they finally saw him, why he hadn’t done any of those things…Atticus, he was real nice….
Atticus:Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them.

Sheriff Tate: I may not be much Mr. Finch, but I’m still sheriff of Maycomb County. And Bob Ewell fell on his knife. Good night sir.

Simple trick: See something from someone elses point of view, crawl in their skin and walk around in it.

somebody just walked over my grave

Stand up Miss Jean-Louise, your father’s passing.

That boy’s your company! And if he wants to eat up that tablecloth, you let him, you hear?

There goes the meanest man that ever took a breath of life.

There just didn’t seem to be anyone or anything Atticus couldn’t explain. Though it wasn’t a talent that would arouse the admiration of any of our friends, Jem and I had to admit he was very good at that, but that was all he was good at, we thought.

there’s something in our world that meakes men lose their heads-they couldnt be fair if they tried

They’re dangerous to live around ‘sides devaluing my property.

Well, it would be sort of like shooting a mockingbird, wouldn’t it?

What in the sam hill are you doin’ Walter. But Atticus, he’s gone and drowned dinner in syrup and now’s he gotten it all over.

You can pet him, Mr. Arthur. He’s asleep. Couldn’t if he was awake, though. He wouldn’t let you. Go ahead.

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.

You see son, it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’: Quotes from the movie ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’

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