Movie Quotes from Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle: Quotes from the movie Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle

1)Crying is for little girls, babies, and men who just ahd their ears ripped off. 2)Who are you? 1)I am Oobedoob Benubi. I have the silliest name in the galaxy. 2)What’s your middle name? 1)Scoobi-Doobi.2)Oobedoob Scoobi-Doobi Benubi?

1)Crying is for little girls, babies, and men who just had their ears ripped off. 2)Who are you? 1)I am Oobedoob Benubi. I have the silliest name in the galaxy. 2)What’s your middle name? 1)Scoobi-Doobi.2)Oobedoob Scoobi-Doobi Benubi?

Beneath the floor a man does control me.

Copy nasty butler.

Good is good. Bad is bad. Our goodness will be our uprising while your badness will be your downfall. Good Good, Bad Good Bad Good.

Hand Duet A one armed man killed my wife sabrina, a working girl. Now Im a fugitive and in Clear and present danger. I shoud be presumed inncent but their playing patroit games with me.

Hand Duet: A one armed man killed my wife sabrina, a working girl. Now Im a fugitive and in Clear and present danger. I shoud be presumed inncent but their playing patroit games with me.

I am a Puppet!! Hand goes into puppet, arm follows hand…

I have a question. Why do we all speak with British accents when we’re in outer space and there is no Britain?

Oh, honey- you’ve got a pea there.

You are bad, Black Helmet Man! You are bad and we are good! Your badness will be your demise, and our goodness will be our triumph! Bad is bad, good is good! Good-good, bad-bad, bad-bad, good,bad, good,good,bad,bad,good.

You must be the cry baby.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle’: Quotes from the movie ‘Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle’

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