Movie Quotes from That Uncertain Feeling: Quotes from the movie That Uncertain Feeling

–I’m sure there’s absolutely nothing wrong with me.
–I’m sure you’ll feel differently after you leave this office.

–Now what I’m trying to do is introduce you to your real self. I want you to get acquaint yourself.

–Now what I’m trying to do is introduce you to your real self. I want you to get acquainted with yourself. Wouldn’t you like to meet you?
–No! You see, I’m a little shy.

–What’s your age?
–I’m your psychiatrist.

–You could go through all of Park Avenue and not find a happier couple.
–I’m sorry, but it’s my duty to explore every avenue. Especially Park Avenue.

I’m against communism, capitalism, fascism, nazism. I’m against everything and everybody. I hate my fellow man and he hates me.

I’ve always heard that the ideal marriage should be something of a mystery.

Let me warn you, I say what I think. I’m a complete individualist.

Now I don’t want to cause any troubakerle, but cold facts are cold facts.

Now I don’t want to cause any trouble, but cold facts are cold facts.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘That Uncertain Feeling’: Quotes from the movie ‘That Uncertain Feeling’

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