Movie Quotes from That Old Feeling: Quotes from the movie That Old Feeling

1) hey it’s either a cockroach or a bloodhound it can’t be both. 2) a mixed metaphor is the least of your problems my friend.

1) Well he’ll want to talk about it. 2) that’s it just talk? 1) days and nights of talking, marathon talking, about how and why we can build from a new foundation; I’ll probably go nuts.

1- If you were half a man! 2- I AM half a man! 1- The WRONG half!

Crazy liberals!

do you know how lucky I am that someone normal wanted to marry me?

Do you remember my reoccuring dream where the dogs are knawing at my genitals, now I realise that the dogs represent Danny and my genitals represent ….. my genitals.

Do you want mommy to take you to the airport in her big, vulgar limo?

Dogs!! I need dogs!!!

Enjoy your life as a photographer’s assistant! Crazy liberals!

Hard Boiled! Hard Boiled! I’d like to hard boil your balls!


I hate you! You’re a big, hairy brute!

I’m anulling your ass

No, I want you.

oh the Yale club. is that a place where people go when they realize no one gives a shit where they went to school?

Rowena:what are you doing here? Keith:dont you remember? Rowena:i certainly wish i didnt. Keith:you got what u wanted. Rowena:how dare you!Rowena: your the one who lunched.Keith:you smoldered it was the last entusiam you showed for anything i might add.Rowena: well i was hardly inspired. Keith: i told you i have to be on the bottom i have a bad back. Rowena: among other things. Keith: just stop it i dont care what i think or what you think . this didnt happen i am a newlyweed.Rowena:well shes certainly in for a treat

Who got you electrolysis? You’d have one big eyebrow if it weren’t for me!

Yeah, you were faithful like a Kennedy was faithful!

You’ve had plugs you vain son of a bitch !!!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘That Old Feeling’: Quotes from the movie ‘That Old Feeling’

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