Movie Quotes from Swordfish: Quotes from the movie Swordfish

(Gabriel to Stan) She’s Good isn’t she!!?

–Big Stan. Nice suit.
–They say it’s the suit that makes the man.
–Buy it?
–Hope not!

–How do I find this guy?
–You don’t find hime. He finds you.

1. You’re not too good at this golf thing, are you, Stan?
2. You’re fucking up my chi.

1/_How can you justify all this?
2/_You’re not looking at the big picture, Stan. Here’s a scenario…. You have the power to cure all the world’s diseases but the price for this is that you must kill a single innocent child, could you kill that child, Stanley?
2/_You disappoint me, it’s the greatest good.
1/_Well how about ten *innocents*?
2/_Now you’re gettin’ it, how about a hundred – how about a thousand? Not to save the world but to preserve our way of life.
1/_No man has the right to make that decision… you’re no different from any other terrorist.
2/_No, you’re wrong Stanley. Thousands die every day for no reason at all, where’s your bleeding heart for them? You give your $20 to Greenpeace every year, thinking you’re changing the world? What countries will harbour terrorists, when they realize the consequences of what I’ll do? Did you know that I can buy nuclear warheads in Minsk for forty million each? Hell, I’d buy half a dozen and even get a discount!

1/_Who are we at war with?
2/_Anyone who impinges on America’s freedom. Terrorist states, Stanley. Someone must bring their war to them. They bomb a church, we bomb 10. They hijack a plane, we take out an airport. They execute American tourist, we tactically nuke an entire city. Our job is to make terrorism so horrific that is becomes unthinkable to attack Americans.

He exists in a world beyond your world. What we only fantasize – he does. He lives a life where nothing is beyond. But you know what its all a fasard. All his charm and charisma, his wealth, his expensive toys. He is a driven, unflinching, calculating machine. He takes what he wants and then dissapears. You don’t find him – he finds you.

What? I know what you’re thinkin. You’re thinkin – if that launcher was a suppository would that bad man stick it up my ass? Well – you eyeball me once more boy and I’ll stick it so far up your ass you’ll be beggin me for this bullet.

And this is 1976. There’s no CNN. There’s no CNBC. There’s no internet!

Are you surprised that a girl with an IQ over 70 can give you a hard-on?

Don’t even try to compare my daughter’s childhood with your own!

Don’t talk, just listen

Don’t talk, just listen. Each of the twenty-two hostages has been wrapped with twenty pounds of c-4 explosive. They’ve also been taped with fifteen pounds of ball bearings, which makes them the world’s largest walking Claymore mines.
Around their necks are radio frequency electronic dog collars. Dog walks out of the yard, gets the shit shocked out of him. Same thing here. This bank is their yard, so don’t FUCK with me!

Eat a dick!!!

Gab : Have you ever heard of harry houdini? He wasnt like todays magicians who are only interested in TV Ratings. He was an artisit, he could make an elephant dissappear infront of a live audience… and do you know how he did that? Misdirection.
Stan : What the fuck are you talking about?
Gab : Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes.

Gabrial: Com’on stan!

Gabriel: Ahh..the great American outdoors. You know I never understood the appeal of fly fishing Jim.
A little bit too much like masturbation for me – without the payoff.

Gabriel: Did you know that I can buy nuclear warheads in mints for forty million dollars each? Hell I buy half a dozen I even get a discount!

Gabriel: Hmm…well…life is stranger than fiction sometimes.

Gabriel: I was just fuckin with ya Stan!

Gabriel: Look Stan – I like you. You’re on my good side. But don’t confuse kindness with weakness.

Gabriel: Misdirection – what the eyes see and the ears hear the mind believes.

Gabriel: Oh come on Stan! Not everything ends the way you think it should! Besides, audiences love happy endings.

Gabriel: Our job is to make terrorism so horrific that it becomes unthinkable to attack Americans.

Gabriel: Patriotism does not have a four year shelf life. Unfortunately polititions do.

Gabriel: She’s dying Stanley.

Gabriel: What if I were to give you ten million dollars? That would pretty much cover all your problems, yes? Unless…of course – it’s not possible. But…ah…you think about it.

Gabriel: You know what the funny thing about Holleywood is? They make shit. Absolutely, unbelievable shit. Now I’m not some wannabe film maker whose caught up and confused in a haze of bongsmoke or anything. No, I’m talking about the lack of realism, realism. A simple ethic thats lacked in today’s modern cinematic vision. Take Dogday Afternoon for example. A great film, arguably one of Pacino’s best movies, except for one thing. They did not push the envelope. Now what if in Dogday, Sunny wanted to get away with it? I mean really get away with it. Ok now heres the tricky part. What if they started killing hostages right away? I mean no mercy, no quarter, just meet our demands or the pretty little blonde in the bellbottems gets it in the head. BAM SPLAT DONE! What still no bus? Come on. How many innocent victims lives would it take to have this country re-evaluate it’s moves in a hostage situation? And this is 1974 you have to think, there’s no CNN, no CNBC, hell there’s no internet for christs sake. Now fast forward to today’s time, same situation. How long would it take the city to turn this into a media frenzy, in a matter of hours it’d be the biggest story from Boston to Burget. 10 hostages die, 20, 30, BAM, BANG, relentless, one after another. All caught in high-depth, color-coated television, picture quality so fine you can practically taste the brain matter. And all for what, a bus, a plane? A couple of hundred million dollars that’s federally insured. Now this isn’t in the realm of quality cinema, but what if…

Gabriel: You know what the problem with Hollywood is? They make shit. Unbelieveable, unremarkable, shit.

Ginger: You suprised that a girl with an IQ over seventy can give you a hard on?

Ginger: Ignorance is bliss.

Have you ever heard of Harry Houdini, well he wasnt like today’s magicians that are only interested in television ratings. He was an artist. He could make an elephant disappear in the middle of a theater full of people, and do you know how he did that? Misdirection

i didn’t come here to suck your dick, stan.

I have been told that the best crackers in the world can do this in
under sixty minutes, but unfortunately I need someone who can do this in under sixty seconds.

I know what you’re thinking. If that rocket was a suppository would that bad man shove it up my ass?

I know what your thinkin’. Your thinkin’ if that launcher was a suppository, would that bad man stick it up my ass? Well, you eyeball me once more, boy, I’ll stick it so far up your ass, you’ll be beggin’ me for this bullet.

I wish Halle Berry would suck my cock. She has some fine ass titties!

I’m not here to suck your dick, Stan.

I’ve heard the best crackers in the world can do this in sixty minutes. Unfortunatly, I need someone who can do it in sixty seconds.

Ladies and gentlemen, this bus is your new holding area. If you do not test the limitations of your collars, this will all be over before you can say Cat in the Hat.

Misdirection – what the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes.

Nothing is impossible.

Our job is to make terrorism so horrific, that it becomes UNTHINKABLE to attack Americans.

She’s dying Stan…SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Stan: I’ve had a pretty shitty day so far – looks like it just got worse.

Stan: Look..I…ah..flew 1500 miles for this meeting how about we get to the point?
Gabriel: No…actually you flew 1500 miles for a hundred grand…but that’s not the point.

Stan: Well you can take the girl outta the trailer park but you can’t take the trailer park outta the girl.

Stan: Who are you supposed to be?Ginger: My name’s Ginger.Stan: Ginger?! Where’s Gilligan?

Stan: You’re fucking up my chi.

Stan: You’re wasting your time. If I even touch another computer I go straight back to Levenworth. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Stan: Bad guy can’t win. It’s a morality tale. One way or the other – he’s gotta go down.

they bomb a church, we bomb ten. they hijack a plane, we take out an airport. they execute an american tourist, we tactically nuke an entire city.

They Bomb A Church, We Bomb Ten. They Hijack One Of Our Airplanes We Take Out An Airport. They Execute An American Terrorist, We Tactically Nuke An Entire City. Our Job Is To Make Terrorism So Horrific That Its Considered Crazy To Attack Americans.

Well, this looks friendly.

What happened, Stan?

You better get sure, son because someone’s cocks liable to end up on the block for this one and it damn sure ain’t gonna be mine.

You can take the girl out of the trailer park but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl.

You don’t find him. He finds you.

You know what the problem with Hollywood is? They make shit. Unbelievable, unremarkable shit.

You know what the problem with Hollywood is? They make shit. Unbelievalbe, unremarkable shit.

[Opening words]____You know what the problem with Hollywood is? They make shit. Unbelievable, unremarkable shit. Now I’m not some grungy wannabe filmmaker that’s searching for existentialism through a haze of bong smoke or something. No, it’s easy to pick apart bad acting, short-sighted directing, and a purely moronic stringing together of words that many of the studios term as prose. No, I’m talking about the lack of realism. Realism; not a pervasive element in today’s modern American cinematic vision. Take Dog Day Afternoon, for example. Arguably Pacino’s best work, short of Scarface and Godfather Part 1, of course. Masterpiece of directing, easily Lumet’s best. The cinematography, the acting, the screenplay, all top-notch. But… they didn’t push the envelope. Now what if in Dog Day, Sonny really wanted to get away with it? What if… now here’s the tricky part… what if he started killing hostages right away? No mercy, no quarter. *Meet our demands or the pretty blonde in the bellbottoms gets it the back of the head.*___ Bam, splat! What, still no bus? Come on!!! How many innocent victims splattered across a window would it take to have the city reverse its policy on hostage situations? And this is 1976; there’s no CNN, there’s no CNBC, there’s no internet! Now fast forward to today, present time, same situation. How quickly would the modern media make a frenzy over this? In a matter of hours, it’d be biggest story from Boston to Budapest! Ten hostages die, 20, 30; bam bam, right after another, all caught in high-def, computer-enhanced, colour corrected. You can practically taste the brain matter. All for what? A bus, a plane? A couple of million dollars that’s federally insured? I don’t think so. Just a thought. I mean, it’s not within the realm of conventional cinema… but what if?…..

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Swordfish’: Quotes from the movie ‘Swordfish’

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