Movie Quotes from Sweet November: Quotes from the movie Sweet November

This is it, life will never be better, or sweeter than this.

–You live in a box…I could lift the lid…
–Wow…that’s deep.

. . .it will never get better or sweeter than you. . . you are my forever. . .

Nelson:Why A Month?
Claire: It’s Long Enough To Be Meaningful And
Short Enough To Stay Out Of Trouble

All we have is how you remember me – I want that memory to be strong and beautiful – don’t you see?.. if I know I am remembered that way, I can face anything, anything.. you’re my immortality..

all we have is how you remember me – I want that memory to be strong and beautiful. If I know I am remembered that way – I can face anything…don’t you see? You’re my immortality.

Chena loves Austin more than anything in the world…more than hotdogs on a stick, but even more than shaving my armpits!

Every month is November Sarah and I love you every day.

Every month is November Sarah, and I love you every day!

Every month is november,Sara and I love you every day.This is our month.It never has to end. Surrender all the attempts to control life,yours or mine. I live for one thing: to love you, to make you happy, to live firmly and joyously the moment.
November is all I know, and all I ever wanna know.

hey! do you want to get naked with us? we live here and we have a giant tub of fudge and vodka!

How does a lunatic like you help a guy like me?

I don’t want to go to dinner, I want to get naked with Sarah Deaver.

I surrender all attempts to control life, yours or mine. I live for one thing, to make you happy; to live firmly and joyously in the moment. November is all I know, and all I ever want to know.

If I’ve learned anything it’s that you should have the people who love you, around you as long as you possibly can.

if you leave now…everything we had will be perfect forever

Its not a dress…its a sequence sensation!!!

Keanu Reeves (as Nelson Moss): Why a month?
Charlize Theron (as Sara Deever): Coz it’s long enough to be meaningful and short enough to stay out of trouble…

let’s get naked tomorrow, tonight we’ll wear our pj’s

Life has never been more beautiful or sweeter than this.

nelson, would you like to be my november?

Nelson: What are you doing?
Sara: Taking your shirt off.
Nelson: Why?
Sara: Because you smell like puppy pee.

November is all I know. And all I want to know.

november is all i know…..all i want to know…….

Once you mention my name I’m already gone. What’s my name?

people tend to enjoy what theyre really good at

Sara: You’re my immortality, Nelson.

Sweet November.

Tell me your sweet dream.
Everybody’s got one.
One they only tell after a couple of drinks.

This isn’t a dress, this is a sequined sensation.

who cares there clothes they cover your body why do u care anyways

worrying about losing keeps you winning

ya know he asked me to marry him
yeah but he’s not the first
yeah but its the first time i’ve wanted to say yes

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Sweet November’: Quotes from the movie ‘Sweet November’

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