Movie Quotes from Sorcerer: Quotes from the movie Sorcerer

–We want double, and legal residence…or we don’t drive.
–You leave in four hours.

–Where am I going?
–All I can say it’s a good place to lay low.
–It’s the kind of place nobody wants to go looking.

–You read about this place in the travel brochures?
–I heard it had a healthy climate.

As of right now, I don’t know you and i don’t want to know you.

Four men with enough guts can save Poza Rica and your village.

He robbed my church, shot my brother. I don’t where he is or what it costs. I want his ass.

I think I can clear it.

May I have this dance?

The problem is one of criminal fraud. False representation of collateral. Fifteen million Francs.

We now need experience truck drivers. Men who are willing to do a dangerous job. The job must be done before we can reopen our gates and bring back full employment to you people. The men who qualify will received exceptional wages.

We’re carrying three cases each.

We’re going across that bridge, and you’re going to guide me because I can’t do it alone.

Where am I going?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Sorcerer’: Quotes from the movie ‘Sorcerer’

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