Movie Quotes from Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th: Quotes from the movie Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th

(call waiting beeps) screw:is that yours or mine? killer:ignore it i have voice mail

(music begins)VOICEOVER(singing):You’ll have a fresh attitude,
when you’re holding the knife,with mentals fresh and full of life,
lady luck will lift you up,when you’re sporting fresh breath before
you strike. Death goes better with mentals freshness,death goes
better with Mentals freshness,death goes better with Mentals fresh
and full of life! THE KILLER:Ah,Jeez!

–I’ve got a weird feeling, Dawson.
–Wait until you eat the tuna tacos.

…and that’s how i knew that i wasn’t a lesbian

1)Attention, tonight’s PTA meeting will be held at the Hooters restraunt in Glendale. Please remind your parents. Also, whoever put real meat in today’s lunch please remove it.

1)Do you like scary movies? 2)Oh. What,do you mean like Spike Lee movies? 1)Look, lay off the Spikester! He’s keeping it real!

1)its bon-ner ma’am 2) not for long, dead boner walking!

dawson:After all it is halloween
slab:and friday the 13th
dawson:on the same day? Impossible.
boner: slabs dyslexic

i like that boulder

KILLER: Damned cell phones!

killer: do you think this stalking thing is easy? (splash heard)
screw: did you just fall in my pool?

Martina:I’ve got a wierd feeling Dawson.
Dawson:Wait untill you eat the tuna tacos

of course it sounds stupid if no one else sings!

Over loudspeaker: The results of yesterday’s pregnancy tests are…

PA:Attention students, there will be a fire drill at 3:05 today. Please bring your own matches and lighter fluid.

PA:would the following students please report to the princibal’s office:Jack Mehoff, Mike hunt,Lou Zer, and Heywood Jablomee.

please stop please didn’t kill meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

pop up: this actor has bladder problems *gets stabbed* ouch

sectary: Dawson, let me introduce you to the princibal. Sorry, The Adminstrator-formerly-known-as-princibal.

slab: i-ii-i think i used to much

There will be a fire drill at 3:05. Please bring your own matches and lighter fluid.

You treat a hot girl like dirt, and she’ll stick to you like mud.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th’: Quotes from the movie ‘Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th’

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