Movie Quotes from Shock Treatment: Quotes from the movie Shock Treatment

1) how did you like our anthem?
2) well there are many was that the spider may catch the fly… suduction…..

1. Seducer! 2. And who are you sir? 1. Your twin brother and your accuser! 3. Arrest that man! He’s commited to our care!
4. I never signed your contract. He’s not going ANYWHERE. 5. To avenge your twin you tried to abuse her. 2.A ridiculous accusation! You forced me to refuse her!
1. Then why did you chose her? 2. Because of YOU, SIR!

Does this bird belong to you!?

F for Farley’s… F for flavors… F for fast… F for fabulous… and F for food!

faggots are maggots- thank god i’m a man!

I’ve just come by to tell you how fabulous I am.

Oh honey I don’t need introductions.

refridgerator, why are we always sooner or later- bitchin’ in the kitchen or cryin’ in the bedroom all night!?

What’ll I say? What’ll I do? What’ll I wear?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Shock Treatment’: Quotes from the movie ‘Shock Treatment’

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