Movie Quotes from Secret of My Success, The: Quotes from the movie Secret of My Success, The

(dad)new york city, (Mum) he wants to see whats there, (dad) i could tell him whats there.

*singing* I hear music when I look at you…I get no kick from champagne, mere alcohol doesn’t thrill me at all…see what you do to me Brantly I haven’t sung in years…I’m wild again beguiled again!

1) Are you saying that your dog ate your homework? 2) Yes, sir 1) This is not grade school! Go to the back of the line. Consider yourself on warning…Check your pulses everyone 3) I’m over 1) Let’s keep going 2) I’m over too, sir 1) I really don’t care!

1) I’m not about to give up my position 2) Oh you don’t have to, Howard. You’re fired

1) What do I call you? 2) You call me God!

1) Yeah, Brantly is Whitfield, Whitfield is Brantly 2) And Christy is the bimbo. Well now that we’ve all had Mouseketter role call, I’m going to call my lawyer

elma whitfelds cousin Carlton whent off to new york a normal boy came back with his head shaved and an ear ring stuck in his cheak

Ok listen up if their are any bugs or rats or anything that has more legs than i do YOU JUST STAY ON YOUR SIDE OF THE ROOM OK, I’ll stay on mine, i must worn you im packing an iron. (SPLAT with the iron)
you wern’t listening.

That was a very expensive vase, you bitch!

well toedo i guess we’er not i cansis anymore

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Secret of My Success, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Secret of My Success, The’

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