Movie Quotes from Price Above Rubies, A: Quotes from the movie Price Above Rubies, A

1 – You have a soul! 2 – Maybe I do, but if I do, it wasn’t God who gave it to me.

Walls got to be broke down so you can see what they’ve been hiding inside all along.

1- He’s not hungry. 2 – Are you his mother? No. So how do you know he’s not hungry?

Beauty has good things in it, but it can also be terrible.

Every touch burns me. I have no soul!

I felt, um, ever since I was a very young girl, like there was a fire…inside me. It used to be nice. Kept me warm. But it’s been getting hotter. It…it makes my stomach burn and my nerves and my skin….I can hardly put on a shirt. I can’t even breast feed my child. It’s too hot! Everything is too hot.

I’m not paying anymore.

If the desire to hear your soul is strong enough, you’ll find the words.

If you don’t like the way I look, then look at your shoes. Stick your nose in a book. It’s your problem, not mine.

Modesty is becoming unless it’s false.

One of us here is completely insane and I think it’s you. But you’re gonna have company real soon if I have to listen to one more word of this mesnugas.

Sometimes I look at men and wonder how God could have created so ugly a creature for women to cling to. Men are ugly!

The Talmud teaches a man to love his wife, and I try, God knows I try. But for a man it’s supposed to be different. It’s supposed to be a mitzvah, a holy act. And I’m supposed to think exalted thoughts in order to sanctify it.

There’s nobody here but you. Who are you hiding from?

Well, I don’t even know where my body ends and my soul begins.



If we all wrote down our sins, my father said, we’d be more careful about committing them.

It’s the quality of our sins which sets us apart.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Price Above Rubies, A’: Quotes from the movie ‘Price Above Rubies, A’

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