Movie Quotes from One Hour Photo: Quotes from the movie One Hour Photo

1:I get you anything else, Sy? 2:Oh, no, thanks. Just the check’s fine. 1:What you got there, family photos? 2:Yeah. 1:Yeah? You mind if I take a look? Mmm, these are beautiful. That’s a good shot. These your, uh, relations? 2:Yes. That’s my little nephew, Jake. 1:He’s a handsome boy. 2:Isn’t he? Yeah I, uh, I got him a camera for his birthday. 1: Oh. Well, you must be his favorite uncle then.

according to the Oxford English Dictionary….the word snapshot, was originally used, as a hunting term

All I did was take pictures.

I almost felt like ‘Uncle Sy’!

I consider One hour photo an important job. When people’s houses are on fire, what’s the first thing they say after their pets and loved ones are safe? The family photos. Some people think this is a job for a clerk. They accutally believe that any idiot that attends a two day seminar can actually master making beautiful prints in less than an hour. Of course, like most things, there’s far more to it than meets the eye.. I’ve seen the print’s they give to people at the Rex Hall or Photex. Milky washed out prints. Too dark prints. There is no sense of reverence for the service they are providing people. I process these photos as if they were my own.

I’ve seen the prints they fob off on people at the Rexall or Fotek. Milky, washed out prints. Too dark prints. There’s no sense of reverence for the service they’re providing for people. I process these photos as if they were my own.

If pictures have anything to say, it’s this: I was here, I existed. I
was young and happy and someone cared enough about me to take my

If You touch her again I’ll stab you in the heart

Most people don’t take snapshots of the little things.

Most people don’t take snapshots of the little things. The used Band-Aid, the guy at the gas station, the wasp on the Jell-O. But these are the things that make up the true picture of our lives. People don’t take pictures of these things

Nobody takes a picture of something they want to forget.

Now put his thing in your mouth.

Pretend it’s all pretend.

The thing we fear the most is what has already happened to us.

The word ‘snapshot’ was originally a hunting term.

What the hell is wrong with these people?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘One Hour Photo’: Quotes from the movie ‘One Hour Photo’

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