Movie Quotes from Mansfield Park: Quotes from the movie Mansfield Park

Lady Birtrum- …and I’ll have you know Fanny Pryce, which is more than I did for Mariah…that the next time Pug has litter…you shall have a puppy!

Fanny (overhead voice): And, as you may have guessed, at exactly the right time when it was quite natural that it should be so, and not a moment sooner, Edmund came to speak the whole delightful and astonishing truth…
Edmund: Fanny, I must confess something: I’ve loved you all my life.
Fanny: I know, Edmund.
Edmund: No, Fanny… as a man loves a woman, as a hero loves a heroine, as I have never loved anyone in my entire life. I was so anxious to do what is right that I forgot to do what is right. But if you choose me after all my blunderings and blindness, there’ll be a happiness which no description could reach.
Fanny: Oh, Edmund.

Fanny, you really must begin to harden yourself to the idea of…. being worth looking at.

He loves you, Fanny Price. If any man ever loved a woman forever, so my brother would do for you.

Henry Crawford: And what is your opinion, Miss Price?
Fanny Price: I am sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Crawford, but I’m afraid I do not have a ready opinion.
Henry Crawford: I suspect you are almost entirely composed of ready opinions not yet shared.

Henry Crawford: Fanny, you have created sensations which my heart has never known before.
Fanny Price: Please.
Henry Crawford: There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved.
Fanny Price: Mr. Crawford, do not speak nonsense.
Henry Crawford: Nonsense?
Fanny Price: You are such a fine speaker that I’m afraid you may actually end in convincing yourself.
Henry Crawford: Fanny. You are killing me.
Fanny Price: No man dies of love but on the stage.

I was unterrupted with a voice that I took as a childwhich complain that it could not get out. I looked up and down the passage and saw it was a starling hung in a little cage. I can’t get out, I can’t get out said the starling. God help thee said I. But I’ll let thee out cost what it will. But it was double twisted with wire. There was no getting it open without pulling the cage to pieces. I took both hands to it. The bird flew to the place where I was attempting it’s deliverance. And thrusting its head through the trellis pressed his breast against it, as if impatient. I fear poor creature, said I, I can not set thee at liberty. No said the starling, I can’t get out. I can’t get out said the starling.

I’m all for crying, makes your hair grow.

It could have all turned out differently I suppose… but it didn’t.

Life seems nothing more than a quick succession of busy nothings.

Maria was married on Saturday. In all important preparations of mind she was complete, being prepared for matrimony by a hatred of home, by the misery of disappointed affection, and contempt of the man she was to marry. The bride was elegantly dressed and the two bridesmaids were duly inferior. Her mother stood with salts, expecting to be agitated, and her aunt tried to cry. Marriage is indeed a maneuvering business.

Marriage is indeed a maneuvering business.

Mrs Norris to Fanny Price apon looking over her:-

Well, I’m sure you have other qualities

No man dies of love but on the stage.

Run mad as often as you choose, but do not faint.

Selfishness must always be forgiven, you know, because there is no hope for a cure.

Selfishness should always be forgiven, you know, ’cause there’s no hope for a cure.

surely you and i are beyond speaking when words are clearly not enough

Surely you and I are beyond speaking when words are clearly not enough.

Susan: So, this Henry Crawford, what’s he like?
Fanny Price: A rake. I think.
Susan: Oh, yes, please.
Fanny Price: They amuse more in literature than they do in life.
Susan: Yes, but they amuse

There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time.

There are as many types of love as moments in time

We seemed very happy to see each other, and I think we actually were a little bit.

Your startling adaptability to my brother’s possible demise sends a chill through my heart… A chill. You’re cheerfully planning parties with my brother’s money, you shush my father like a dog at your table, you attack Fanny for following her own unfalliable internal guide about matters of the heart. All this has most greviously convinced me that the person I’ve been to apt to dwell on for many months past has been a creature of my own imagination… Not you, Miss Crawford, you are a stranger to me. I do not know you… and I am sorry to say I have no wish to.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Mansfield Park’: Quotes from the movie ‘Mansfield Park’

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