Movie Quotes from Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The: Quotes from the movie Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The

1) Can you hear the Jack Whales singing? (noise like a Tanker’s horn) 2) Beautiful. I wonder what they are saying. 1) Well that was the sludge tanker over there, but. (different noise) There you go.

1) I’m gonna fight you Steve. (Steve smiles, then hits him) 2) You never say I’m gonna fight you Steve. You just smile and act natural, and then you sucker punch em.

1) I’m sick of being on B-squad!
2) Listen, you may be on B-squad but you’re the B-squad leader.

1) If you ever touch me again, I will kick your goddamn teeth out. Is *that* understood?
2) Not if I don’t see you first, sonny

1) We are being led on an illegal suicide mission by a selfish maniac. 2) I hear what you are saying, but I think you misjudge the guy.

1) You must swear, legally swear, that you will not kill that shark. 2) I’ll find it, but I’ll let it live. Now where is my dynamite.

Announcer: That’s an endangered species. What would be the scientific purpose of killing it?
Steve: (pause) Revenge.

Ned: I’m gonna fight you Steve.
Steve: (punches Ned in the face) You never say ‘I’m gonna fight you Steve’. You just smile and act natural, and then you suckerpunch.

Steve Zissou: We were both bad husbands.
Alistair Hennessey: I have an excuse, I’m part gay.
Steve Zissou: Supposedly we all are.

Steve: Swamp leeches, everybody! Check for swamp leeches and pull ’em off!
(everyone stares at Steve)
Steve: Nobody else got hit, I’m the only one? What’s the deal?

Be still, Cody!

Cody, be still!

Do you really think it’s cool to be hitting the sauce when you’ve got a bun in the oven?

Do you really think you should be on the sauce when you’ve got a bun in the oven?

Don’t make fun of me, i was only trying to flirt with you.

Eleanor Zissou: Your cat died.
Steve: Which one?
Eleanor: Marmalade.
Steve: Well how did it die?
Eleanor: A rattlesnake bit it in the neck.
Steve: God damnit, Eleanor. Couldn’t you have broken it to me a little easier than that?
Ned: What kind of cat was it?
Steve: Who gives a shit. I think it was a tabby.

Eleanor Zissou: Your cat died.
Steve: Which one?
Eleanor: Marmalade.
Steve: Well how did it die?
Eleanor: A rattlesnake bit it in the neck.
Steve: God damnit, Eleanor. Couldn’t you have broken it to me a little easier than that?
Ned: What kind of cat was it?
Steve: Who gives a shit. I think it was a tabby.

Go to bed you sons of bitches

Goodbye Cody.

Hey, who are you? You look pregnant.

How many fingers am I holdning up?

I don’t know, that’s not my job. Too many to tell.

I’m gonna go on an overnight drunk and in ten days I’m going to set out to find the shark that ate my friend and destroy it.- Steve Zissou

i’ve never seen so many electric jelly fish in all my life.

I’ve never seen so many electric jellyfish in all my life!

If your not against me, don’t cross this line. If yes, do.

Jane: In 12 years he’ll be 11 and a half
Steve: That was always my favorite age

Klaus:Are you two fighting?

Klause: Who the hell is Kinsley Zissou?

Ned: That man was dam rude, he can go straight to hell

Oh shit… what do you want?

Please don’t shoot him. He’s just an intern.

Remember that kid. Send him a red cap and a Speedo.

Reporter: I need to find a baby for this father.
Steve: Yea, i think i know what you’re saying

Steve: Don’t point that gun at him. He’s an unpaid intern.

Steve: i wonder if he remebers me

Steve: Let me tell you about my boat.

Steve: Son of a bitch, I’m sick of these dolphins.

Steve: Take a tarp and cover up anything that says ‘Hennesey’ on it.

Steve: this is an adventure

Supposedly Cousteau and his cronies invented the idea of putting walkie-talkies into the helmet. But we made ours with a special rabbit ear on the top so we could pipe in some music.

Swamp leeches. Check for swamp leeches and pull em off. (Everyone checks and finds none) Nobody else got hit? I’m the only one that got hit? What’s the deal?

SZ: Hook that thing up and make me a latte.

SZ: I don’t know what that means, but I can tell it’s bullshit.

We fuckin’ stole it, man.

What the ‘f’ are you doing in here?

Whered you come from, You look Pregnant

Who knocked up the reporter?

Woman with feather hat: Bravo.

Y-You’re not listening! I didn’t just like it! You understand?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The’

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