Movie Quotes from Lethal Weapon 4: Quotes from the movie Lethal Weapon 4

Riggs: I’ll draw his fire and you run for cover!
Murtaugh: No! No, no, no! I’ll draw his fire and you run for cover!
Riggs: What are you, out of your mind? You got a wife, kids! I got a lot less to lose than you!
Murtaugh: Riggs, I wasn’t supposed to tell you this, but Lorna’s pregnant and you’re gonna be a father!
Riggs: No! Get going! Get… what did you say?!
Murtaugh: You’re gonna be a father!

Uncle Benny: I’m sleeping with my wife’s two sisters!
Murtaugh: You lucky son of a bitch!
Riggs: Good for you, Uncle Benny!
Uncle Benny: Not so good when my wife finds out!

It’s about time they poured in some new blood. I just don’t want it coming out of me!

#1:he takes the job kinda seriously. #2:yea, hes overzealous too. #1: jealous of who? #2:i dunno whos he jealous of? #1:you just said he was jealous… #2:oh no, i said zealous as in full of zeal.

(1)Hey so who’s the perp? (2)What you see a brother sitting in teh back of a police vehicle and you automatically think I’m a perp. Look at this badge,look at this gun. (1)Ok,ok,ok you don’t have to be so sensative jesus where you get this guy. (2)Lisence,registration,urine sample.

(1)Your baby is having my baby.(2)My baby is having your baby? (1)Yeah and your baby wow baby.

(phone rings) 1. Leo Getz, Private Investigator. 2(nearby) Private Investigator? Yah, Mr. Getz, I was wondering if you’re willing to investigate my privates! 1. Your what? 2. My privates, you stupid shit! Shut the f**k up! 1. Oh, very funny, Riggs, they’re f***ing me with the cell phone and now you’re f***ing me! 2. You sound very tough on the phone, don’t you? 1. That’s right, Telephone tough guy! Why am I talking to you on the phone? 2. Get the f**k out of here, go home! 3. What happened to your face? No means no! 1. This guy’s gonna like me, I can tell. 4. Yeah, he’d be the only one!

-Okay, you said ‘aft’, right?
-A-F-T. Aft!
-That’s a fucking word?
-In the back of the cabin on the right side, Leo!
-Well, why didn’t you say that in the first place?

1) Does trouble just go looking for you?
2) No, it seems to know pretty much where I am most of the time.

1) Here’s what were going to do, take your clothes off. Danny: What the hell for? 2) Flamo-gear turns, sees you in your undies, that distracts and thats when I shoot. 3) Shoot what? 4) The valve on that napalm tank.

1) What do you want this time? Food or Money? 2) Food and money 3) More money than food 1)What are you going to spend it on? 3) Hookers, drugs,… 2) Contraceptives… 3) O.J.’s defense file… 1) Can you beleive they talk to their father like this? 4) Well, it’s better than their parole officer.

1)are you all friends? 2)(all at once) no..we’re FAMILY!

1. Do we want Leo to shoot the shark? 2. Do we want Leo to-(notices Leo) HEY, HEY, LEO! 3. What? Hey! Hey! 2. You’re shooting a gun on my boat! 3. I’m not shooting your boat, I’m shooting Jaws here! 2. I’m not letting a good animal die just so you can have it’s teeth! 1.(noticing gun) You have a permit for this? 3. I’m a PI now, course I do! 1 and 2: What? 3. PI! A gumshoe! You get in ugly situations- 2. Yeah, YOU are an ugly situation! 1. Permit or no permit, you don’t deserve to have this! (throws it overboard)

1. I’ve been perfecting my tailing techique, now that I’m a PI and all. So, Riggs, who’s the perp, what’d you bust him for? 2. I’m a perp? You see a young brother sittin in the back of a police car, automatically I’m a perp? Look at my suit, look at my tie, who do I look like, the f***in crips accountant? Look at this badge, bitch, check out the gun! 1. Whoa, hey, put the gun down, put the gun down! I’m a cop too, ok? German Jews didn’t have it easy when we were kids, besides, I knew you were a cop, I was only kiddin with you, I could smell a cop a mile away! 2. Oh, I smell bad, what you tryin to say? 1. Stop turning everything around, you’re so damn touchy, I know these guys, I work with them, we have a history together, and maybe we’ll work together someday, I’m the bomb, they’ll tell you, I’m great! 2. Yeah, we’ll work together, soon as I open a cereal shop, you f***in leperachaun! 1. I didn’t call you any names, you f***face, don’t fool around! 3.(pulls over) Excuse me, sir, you’re double parked. 1. Sorry, sir, I was just talkin with the police officers. 4. Hey, we don’t know this guy! 2. We think he might have been drinking. 1. I wasn’t drinkin, they’re just saying that! 3. Blow your breath on my hand. 1. Why do I gotta blow on your hand? 3. I can smell it already. 1. Well, blow in my freaking ear! Ok, whatever, whatever.

1. Is he black? 2. Too much armor on, I can’t tell! 1. No, not him! The father of the baby!

1. Ok, you did say aft! 2. A-F-T, aft! Toward the stern in the right side of the cabin, Leo! 1. Well, why didn’t you say that to begin with, ROGER? I love these people that get around boats and water and then everything becomes f***in nautical! Astern! Avast ye lubbers! Man the bilge pump! PUMP YOUR F***IN ASS!

1. Ow, my tooth! 2. What’s the matter, sir? 1.(sarcastically) What’s the matter? My ass hurts, my tooth! 2. Please calm down. 1. I’M TRYING! I’M IN PAIN! 2. Why won’t you go see your own dentist? 1. DUH! DUH! My dentist is in Detroit or I would go! 2. Just please, be quiet, ok? Oh, brother. 1. Oh, brother, your ass! You go get the dentist!

1. Shit! These f***in phones, man! You get a call, they cut you off, you make a call, they cut you off! What’s the point? They never- 2. You know what they’re doing to you? They f**k you with cell phones, huh? They’re f**kin you with the cell phone, when you call back, which they KNOW you’re gonna do, they charge you with that f***in first call at that high rate. 1. If you’re lucky enough to be able to call back cuz the 3 hour battery you got only lasts for 20 f***in minutes! 2. And what if you’re going over a hill and it goes(makes buzzing sound) 1. Going through a damn tunnel or some shit, man, and they keep making them smaller! Why? So you can lose them. Why? So you have to buy more phones! I never lost my mother’s phone! Take you 2 hours to make a damn long distance call- d-d-d-4, d-d-d-5, oh, I messed up, hang it up, gotta do it again, d-d-d-4, d-d-d-5, I never lost my Sports Illustrated swimsuit phone! 2. And what about the f***in scanners? These idiots, they get your phone number, then they make calls all over the- 1. Somebody took my number and called Afghanistan! AFGHANISTAN! I don’t know anybody from Afghanistan, I don’t know what the f**k Afghanistan looks like and even if I did, I wouldn’t talk to their Afghan ass for three hours, I won’t talk to my daddy for three hours!

1. So, sell any heroin? Buy off any cops? Kill anyone lately? How’s the front-uh-restaurant? 2. Have something to eat, give you the police discount! 1. Flied lice? 2.(quickly) Flied rice! It is FRIED RICE, you plick!

1. That shark damages my new boat, I’m taking it out on you, Leo! 2. Hey, I didn’t mean to catch it, OK? Think how it’ll look great on the wall!

(1): Hey maybe we’ll work together some day. I’m da bomb. They’ll tell ya.
(2): Yeah, we’re gonna be working alright, as soon as I open a cereal shop, ya fuckin’ leprechaun!
(1): Hey, I didn’t call you anything ya fuckface! Don’t start that now!

(1): It’s like…
(2): You’re getting too old for this shit.
(1): Yeah.
(2): How about that? Finally.
(1): No, I can’t be. I mean, I’m only… Jesus.
(2): Yeah, you’re only. You can’t beat the clock, Riggs.

(1): Since I met you, I done some hairy shit, but this is not gonna happen. I’m gonna be a grandfather; you and Lorna are gonna have a baby. He ain’t worth dying for, Riggs! He ain’t worth it!
(2): Yeah, yeah, you’re right. Hey, if he gets away, we can track him down later on with a–you know, with a Howitzer or somethin’. Your son-in-law’s over there bleedin’, we should get him and get the hell out of here. Anyway, it’s rainin’.
(1): Yeah, it’s rainin’.
(2): I’m too old for this shit, too.
(1): Guy’s too damned good!
(2): Well, yeah, he’s damn good! I mean, how did he do that thing with the gun?! How the hell did he do that?! I mean, he took my gun apart with one deft move! How did he do that? Huh? How?
(1): Yeah… okay. Let’s go ask him.

(1): We’re dinosaurs headed for extinction!
(2): Speak for yourself…
(1): Gotta make way for the NEW-IMPROVED police department; guys with guns and psychology degrees, like Butters, out there.
(2): Biter has a psychology degree?!
(3): More like a PSYCHO degree!
(1): Ah, hell, I got nothin’ against it; times have gotta change. Hey, I almost got shot by a hot-rodder with a zip gun; that’s how far back I go.

(1): What do we do?
(2): Run him over!
(1): What if he turns around and shoots us with that assault rifle?!
(2): He HASN’T yet! Have you thought about that?! Don’t be a don’t-be, be a do-be! C’m on, Rog, be POSITIVE, now!

Butters: Ah, shit! He’s dead, man! He’s fuckin’ dead, man! Yeah, this is how he wanted to come to America, right?! Where was he, in The Killing Section? This guy’s been shot 4 times! At close range, like he was executed!
Murtaugh: He WAS executed!
Riggs: Yeah, by the crew!
Butters: What the FUCK, man?! We got people gettin’ killed left, right and center in this town; now we’re IMPORTING victims?! Hey, gangbangers wanna kill each other? No problem! You or me, one of us gets shot? Hey, occupational hazard! But just a normal guy, THIS fuckin’ guy?! What the fuck did he ever do to anybody?! That ain’t right!!

Leo: Leo Getz, private investigator.
Martin: Ah, private investigator? Yes, Mr. Getz, I was just wondering if you’d be willing to investigate my privates.
Leo: Investigate what?
Martin: Investigate my privates, you stupid shit.

Lorna: What happened last night?
Martin: Oh, gunfight, explosions, sharks, you know, the usual.

Murtaugh: You okay Riggs?
Riggs: No, I’m NOT okay! I just has my ass kicked again!

Riggs: You wanna get married, don’tcha?
Lorna: Yes I do.
Riggs: Why didn’t you tell me?
Lorna: Because I didn’t want to put any pressure on you, Riggs. I mean, if you want to someday, that’d be great; if you don’t, I love you. I’ll take you any way I can get you, Riggs.



Butters: Stop! Stop you Chinese

Consider this a down payment on a future ass-chewing

How’s the front, I mean the restaurant?

I am getting married or there is no baby!

I lived on the floor; ate on the floor, slept on the floor, watched tv on the floor, Damn i didnt learn to walk til I was ten!

I want some fried lice. It’s fried rice you flucking plick!

i’m gettin’ too old for this shit!

I’ve never talked to anyone in Afghanistan. I don’t know nobody in Afghanistan.

If this was Hong Kong, you’d already be dead.

If this were HongKong, you’d be dead.

In Hong Kong, You’d Already Be Dead!

It’s about time they poured in some new blood. I just don’t want it coming out of me!

It’s fRied (stresses the R) rice, you PLICK!!

Leo – So Then this big fuckin shark comes along, wait
can i say that?
Reporter – You can but we wont show it.
Leo- Okay so this big DARN Shark comes Along.

Leo Getz, private invesigator.

leo- jesus christ what’s that smell? old lady- well i was on my way to the bathroom and this guy grabbed me.

Let’s end these fuckers

License! Registration! Urine sample!

Looks like Japan’s version of the Marx brothers.

My time is reserved for police officers with real problems and real needs. Have you got that? Have you?

Nothing comes between a pregnant lady and a meal!

Nothing comes between a pregnant lady and a meal!

Patrol Cop: Scuse me, sir, you’re double parked! Leo: Oh, sorry, officer, I was just talking with the detectives… Riggs: Hey, we don’t know this guy! Butters: We think he might’ve been drinking.(they speed off)Leo: They’re just kidding! Officer: Sir, blow your breath on my hand. Leo: Why do I gotta blow in your hand for? Officer: Never mind, I can smell it already. Leo: Well, BLOW IN MY F*IN EAR! Offcer: Buddy, you’re all mine. Leo: Ok, ok, ok, whatever, whatever.

Roger – A-F-T, aft
Leo- Thats a fuckin word?

Since I met Riggs, I’ve had my house destroyed, my car wrecked, and now my BOAT SUNK!!

So this must have been what Uncle Benny meant by Four Fathers. Looks like Japan’s version of the Marx brothers. Let’s see we got Groucho, Harpo, Chico, and uh, Fucko.

Somebody took my phone number and called Afghanistan. Afghanastan! I’ve never talked to anyone in Afghanistan. I don’t know nobody in Afghanistan and even if I did know anyone, I wouldn’t talk to that Afghan ass for three hours! I won’t talk to my daddy for three hours.

The four brothers… Groucho, Chico, Harpo…. and Fucko!

They fuck you will cell phones! That’s what it is! They’re fuckin’
you with the cell phone! They love it when you get cut off! Y’know
why, huh? You know why? ‘Cause when you call back–which they know you’re gonna do–they charge you for that fuckin’ first minute at that
high rate!

This is one of the most painful fuckin’ experiences of my life.

we’re not too old for this shit!


What Happened To your face NO means NO!!!

Whateva you want Leo Getz.

You have the right to an attorney, if you cant afford an attorney we’ll find the dumbest son of a bitch on earth. and if you hire Johnny Cochcrane I’ll kill you!

You have the right to remain silent so shut the fuck up ok. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney we will provide you with the dumbest fuckin lawyer on Earth.

You have the right to remain silent, so shut the fuck up. You have the right to an lawyer, if you cannot afford an lawyer we will find the dumbest son of a bitch on earth for you.

You hurt me, I’m gonna stick an egg roll right up your ass!

You sure picked a strange angel, baby. But I got the message

You sure picked a strange angel, baby. But I got the message.

You’re disgusting! You’re disgusting! What’s the matter with you people?

You’re not gonna let him get away wtih that are you honey?

Your have the right to remain silent, so shut the fuck up o.k.
You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney we
will find you the dumbest fucking lawyer on earth. If you get Johnny
Cochrane I’ll kill ya!

youre dealing with white blood cells here

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Lethal Weapon 4’: Quotes from the movie ‘Lethal Weapon 4’

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