Movie Quotes from Lady in White: Quotes from the movie Lady in White

GINO: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Sorry Frankie! Are you hurt?
FRANKIE: What’s that look like, ketchup?! And don’t swear!
GINO: Don’t be such a holyroller!

Have you ever seen a dream walking? Well i did.

Help me find her!

Mama: Charlie!

NARRATOR: I saw my father waiting for me to come home from school, worriedly dialing numbers trying to locate me….I saw my brother Gino sadly sifting through my toys and clothes and finding the love letter I’d written Mary Ellen. Why didn’t I give it to her?!…And then, I heard Donald and Louie laughing at the clever joke they’d played, but then their laughter turned to tears as they stood before a gravestone.
FRANKIE: Donald? Louie? (They both leave and FRANKIE sees that the gravestone is his)

Philly: Your a beautiful boy

The word is negro, Donald.

Well, c’mon, Toad. We better get home before Dad lynches us both.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Lady in White’: Quotes from the movie ‘Lady in White’

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