Movie Quotes from Killers, The: Quotes from the movie Killers, The

–Care for a hand of blackjack?
–No thanks. I’ve heard about your reputation.
–What about my reputation?
–Nothing about your reputation. I just don’t wanna play blackjack with you.

–Good morning, Stella.
–Good morning, dream boy.

–How much time has he got?
–He’s behind schedule now.

–In the pits with the drivers?
–There’s more action in there.

–She’ll do what I want her to do.
–I’m talking about the car.

–Where’s Browning now?
–Browning, huh? California someplace, I think.

–Why do they want to kill you?
–I did something wrong…once.

–Would you like to take a look at my books?
–Which set?

After the job, we’ll settle this, North.

Atlantic Casualty. Claims Department

Bandits rob hat factory of quarter million pay roll.

Bright boy wants to know what it’s all about…We’re gonna kill a Swede. We’re killing him for a friend.

Don’t ask a dying man to lie his soul into Hell.

Don’t try to run…nobody can.

He just stood there and took it.

He’s dead now, except for he’s breathing.

I approve of larceny. Homicide is against my principles.

I fell asleep.

I said class is dismissed!

I saw his first fight and I saw his last.

I was given a tip on some hot jewelry.

I’m not a killer.

I’m poison, Swede, to myself and everybody around me.

If there’s one thing in this world I hate it’s a double-crossing dame.

It won’t hurt you to be polite.

It’s no use, Kitty, your would-be fall guy is quite dead.

Johnny North chocked to death on one question…too many.

Johnny, I never lied to you.

Lady, I haven’t got the time!

Ma’am, you dig fast cars?

Mickey, you will tell us everything.

Neither of us scares easily.

No sweat, Mickey.

Nobody drives me.

Nobody owns me, Earl.

Okay, flash, show me what you can do.

Okay, I like nice things. Expensive things. Doesn’t everybody?

Our luck’s run out, Kitty.

Reach for that and I’ll kick your brains out.

Right then I knew the boat had sailed.

She took a powder. The dough went with her.

Strictly business.

The double-cross to end all double-crosses.

The idea of two men beating each other to a pulp makes me ill.

The job comes first. But afterwards we’ll have business together.

The man will be waiting. Blue suit, bow tie.

The more I know of love.

There goes a quarter of a million!

There’s only one guy who’s not afraid to die. That’s a guy who’s already dead.

Throw her out.

Too little time.

Unless you want to renew your partnership with the late Johnny North,
I suggest you should tell us anything and everything we want to know.

Unusual green handkerchief.

We got business with you.

We want to know about the Big Job.

What do you know about Lumm?

When you’re a copper you’re a copper.

Where is he, lady?

Why would anyone want to kill the Swede?

You never know them all.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Killers, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Killers, The’

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