Movie Quotes from Kalifornia: Quotes from the movie Kalifornia

Where ya been doors,haven’t seen ya in a while

When you first meet people all you notice are the differences between you and them, but as time passes you start noticing the similarities. I guess that’s how all friendships begin

(Adele talking to a cactus) What can I name you? It can’t be Lucy, ’cause Lucy’s gone. I know! I’ll call you Lucy Two.

–He has eyes of an angel.
–He can’t help the way he was raised. I feel sorry for him.

1) Hey thats mine! 2) Adele, what kind of a cuckoo brain carries a cactus in her purse?

Black Dahlia.


Early: Yo Brian, there’s one reeb left in the truck. I want you to have it.
Brian: Reeb?
Early: Yeah. That’s what we used to call em when we was kids. It’s beer spelt backwards.

Early:You gotta hold a gun soft, like your pecker.

i count 1 , i count 2, i count 3..turn wasn’t there.

I need a new woman!

I’ll never know why Early Grayce became a killer. I don’t know why any of them do. When I looked into his eyes eyes i felt nothing, nothing. But on that day I learned that any one of us is capable of taking another human’s life. I also learned that there’s a difference between us and them. It’s a feeling of remorse. Dealing with our guilt. Early never did.

If you looked up poor white trash in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of Early and Adele right above it.

Is it just me or did this trip go downhill since we ran out of Lucky

Is it just me, or did this trip go downhill since we ran out of Lucky lager.

It’s Japanese but it’s pretty good.

just took a dump..wall to wall stink.

let me get a bowl of chili..a hot one.


shave that dog and teach it to hunt!

shave that dog and teach it to hunt.

The first months rent and last months rent are free. It’s a state law. So I figured we would move around a while before we settle down

Too graphic. Too overt. Not suitable for mass consumption.

Well how ya’ll doing? My names Early, this my woman Cary. It seems we’re gonna stay here awhile. AW! Don’t you move you Pinocchio looking knuckle head!

Well tell me something big time how in the hell you gonna write a book about something you dont know nothing about?

Well, youre a widow now Peaches

What the hell did I know about California? For some people it was still a place of hopes and dreams, a chance to start over. The idea was if you could get there, everything would be okay, and if it wasn’t okay there, well, it probably wasn’t going to be okay anywhere.

You all like this!You gotta hold the gun like your pecker.squeeze the trigger.

You are mean.

You know you really oughtta put a bag over your head for that cough. Works every time

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Kalifornia’: Quotes from the movie ‘Kalifornia’

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