Movie Quotes from Interview with the Vampire: Quotes from the movie Interview with the Vampire

(1)You see that old woman? That will never happen to you. You will never grow old, and you will never die.
(2)And it means something else too, doesn’t it? I shall never ever grow up.

Dear god I failed again, haven’t I?

‘It’s time we were on our way. I’m hungry, and the city awaits.’

(1) Where are we?
(2) Where do you think, my idiot friend. We’re in a nice filty cemetary. Does this make you happy, is this fitting, proper enough?

(1)and if i cut my hair agen? (2)It will grow back agen! (1)But it wasnt always so louis had a wife once and he was mortal the same as she and so was I! Did you do it to me? Tell me how it was done. (2)It is in my power. (1)Why yours alone? tell me how it was done.

(1)Danger holds you to me!
(2)Love holds you to me.

(1)She’s in danger, isn’t she? (2)She is. (1)But why? (2)I could give you reasons; her silence, her youth… It’s forbidden to make one so young, so helpless, that cannot survive on it’s own.

(1)So a vampire can cry.
(2)Once, maybe twice in his own eternity.

(1)Take her Louie, end her suffering, end yours.
(2) No.

(1)We belong in hell.
(2)And what if there is no hell, or they don’t want us there? Ever think of that?

(1)Why’d he do it? You’ve got to tell me.(2) See the old woman? That will never happen to you. You will never grow old, and you will never die. (1) But it means something else to you doesn’t it? I shall never ever grow up. *pause* I hate him… tell me how I came to be that I am this… thing.

(1)You are beautiful my friend. Lestat must have wept when he made you.
(2)You knew Lestat?
(1)Knew him well enough not to mourn his passing.

(1)You… fed on me.
(2)I took your life. He gave you a new one.

(1)Your evil is that you cannot be evil, and I shall suffer no longer.
(2)Don’t make me do this, I cannot.
(1)Yet you could do it from me. Snatch me from my mother’s hand, like two monsters in a fairy tale. And now you weep. You haven’t tears enough for what you’ve done to me. You give her to me Louie, Do this before you leave me.

(3)Are you not hungry sir? (1) Au Contrair ma cher, he could eat the whole colony.*laughs* (3)*reaches for plate*(2)*Grabs arm* I’m finished Evette, now leave us.(3)*runs out quickly*(1)Yet you pretend you fool, don’t give the game away. We’re lucky to have suck a home*reaches under table and grabs a rat*Would you pretend to drink at least? Such a fine crystal shouldn’t go to waste.(2)*drinks from glass*(1)There’s nothing in this world now that doesn’t hold some… (2)Facination. (1) Yes.

*A revised version of my old quote*
1) What is it now? You irritate me, your very presence irritates me. 2)Does it? 1)And I’ll tell you something else, I’ve found someone who would make a better vampire then you both. 2)Is that suppose to frighten me? 1)Your spoiled because you are an only child, you need a brother or I do, I am weary of you both. 2)I suppose we could people the world with vampires, the three of us. 1)Oh not you my little, Claudia. 2) Your a liar, but you upset my plans. 1)What plans? 2)I came to make peace with you. Even though you are the father of lies, I want things to be as the were. 1)Stop pestering me then. 2)Oh Lestat I must do more then that. I brought a present for you. 1)Oh, and I hope its a beutiful woman with endowments you’ll never posses. 2)Why do you say such things? You haven’t fed enough I can tell by your color. Come and see……

-Oh yes, Monsieur Vampire, take me. I adore you!
-You wait your turn!

-We should be in hell.
-Well what if there is no hell, or they want us there? Have you thought of that?

…And as we blunder threw it again came the thought, I have wronged Lestat, I have hated him for the wrong reasons.

…But there was a hell, and no matter where we moved to, I was in it.

…what you are a vampire gone insane that pollutes its own bed!

..I need you to make contact with this age. Louis: Don’t you see? I’m not the spirit of any age. I’m at odds with everything. I always have been. Armand: But Louis, that is the very spirit of your age. Your fall from grace, has been the fall of a century.

What are we?

Nothing if not vampires…

Who made us what we are?

Surely you know the one who made you…

But the one who made him, who made the one who made him, the source of
all this evil…

1) Absinthe? You gave then absinthe?

No. Laudanum.


Yes. It killed them, unfortunately. But it keeps the blood warm.

5) You…you…let me…drink..dead blood…?

6) One good lesson you taught me, never drink from the dead!

1) Another doll? I have dozens, you realise. 2) Well, I thought you could use another. 3) Why always on this night?

What night? What do you mean?

You always give me the doll on the same night of the year.

I didn’t realise.

Is this my birthday? 8) Some of these are so old and tattered. You should throw them away.

1) Don’t you want her ?
2) I want to BE her

1) How did you do that?

The same way you do it. A series of simple gestures. Only I moved too
fast for you to see. I’m flesh and blood, you see. But not human. I
haven’t been human for two hundred years.

1) I came to make peace with you, even if you’re the father of lies. I
want things to be as they were. I brought a present for you… 2)Then I hope its a beautiful woman with endowments you will never

1) I saw you in the theater. Your sympathy for that girl…. You die when you kill…You feel you deserve to die and you still do nothing. But does that make you evil? Or sense you comprehend what you call goodness does that make you good? 2) Then there is nothing. 1)Perhaps, or perhaps, (puts hand threw fire) this is the only real evil left. 2)Then God does not exsist? 1) I know nothing of God, or lthe devil. I have never seen a vision nor learned a secrete that could damn or save my soul. And as far as I know after 400 years I am the oldest living vampire living in the world. 2) Then its as I’ve always feared 1) You feel too much, so much you make me feel.

1) I swear you grow more like Louis every day . Soon you’ll be eating rats! 2) ….rats? When did you eat rats Louis ? 3) It was a long time ago , before you were born..and I don’t reccomend them

1) It’s a coffin ! 2) It’s your coffin my love . Enjoy it . Most of us never get to know what it feels like .

1) See that one? The widow St. Clair?
she had that gorgeous young fop murder her husband. She’s perfect for
you. Go ahead.

But how do you know?

Read her thoughts.

I can’t.

The dark gift is different for each of us. But one thing is true of
everyone. We grow stronger as we go along.

1) So you want me to tell you the story of my life…

That’s what I do. I interview people. I collect lives. F.M. radio.
F.F.R.C. I just interviewed a genuine hero, a cop who –


You’d have to have a lot of tape for my story. I’ve had a very unusual

1) You can live like this ? Off the blood of animals ? 2) I wouldn’t call it living …call it surviving . Usefull trick if you’re caught for a month at sea .

1) You… fed on me?

And he found me with you. I ran, sickened at what I’d done. Then he cut
his wrist and fed you from him. I tried to stop him, but you were a
vampire then. And have been every night hereafter.

You both did it?

I took your life. He gave you another one.

1)Are you the leader of this group? 2) If there were a leader I would be the one. 1) So you have the answers 2)So you have questions. 1) What are we? 2) Nothing if not vampires

1)How could it be? 2) Ask the alligator, his blood helped. And then living off the diet of snakes, and toads, and all the beutiful life of the Mississippi! Claudia…. you’ve been………. a very….. very…. naughty little girl!

1)I begain to belive that we were the only ones. There was a strange comfort in that thought. For what could the damned really have to say to the damned? 2)You uh said you found nothing. 1)Pesent rumors, superstitions about garlic, crosses, the old stake throught the heart. But one of our kind? Not a whisper. 2)So there are no vampires in Transyvania, no Count Dracula? 1)The vulgar fictions of a dimented Irish man.

1)I was waiting for you. 2) Listen to me, Claudia is very dear to me. She is my daughter. 1)Your lover 2)No, my beloved, my child. 1)If you say so, you are innocent. 1)She is indanger isn’t she? 2)She is 1)But why? 1) I could give you reasons, her silence, her youth. It is forbidden to make one so young. So helpless, that cannot survive on its own. 2)Then blame the one who made her. 1)Did you kill the one who made you both? Is that why you will not say his name? Sandiago thinks you did. 2) We want no quarrel with him. 1)NO! NO! Its already begun! If you wan to save her send her away! 2)Then I leave too. 1) So soon? Without tany of those answers you so longed for? 2) You said there were none. 1) But you asked the wrong questions.

1)Listen Louis, theres life in these old hands still, not quite Furiose, moderato, catabile perhaps. 2)How could it be? 1)Ask the alligator, his blood helped. Then on the diet of snakes, toads, and all the putride life of the… Mississippi. Slowly Lestat become something like himself agian……. Claudia………. you’ve been……… a very….. very…. naughty little girl.(swish) 2)AAH! (crashing of lamp which makes fire) 1)AAH!! (repeats many times) (hoarses footsteps and people screaming about the fire.) 2)The ship is sailing without us! (get on to the ship) 3)Though the fire seemed to speard through the quarter. I stood on that deck fearful he would come out agian like some monster to destroy us both. And all the while I thought, Lestat you deserve your vengence. You gave me the dark gift and I have deliverd you into the hands of death for the secound time.

1)Paris, September 1870. The city I’d always dreamed of. I was creoil after all. And Paris was the mother of New Orleans. A univers whole and entire to itself.

1)So it was when I’d given up the search for vampires a vampire found me……. (Sandiago dances and makes Louis angry) 2)Sandiago! 1)I ahve searched the world over for an immortal and this is what I find?! (takes out card and hands it to Louis) 2)Bring the peteet beuty with you. No one will harm you I won’t allow it. And uh, rember my name… Armand.

1)The place was emty as we left. Silent as the grave adn as we blundered through it agian came the thought, I have wronged Lestat. I have hated him for the wrong reasons. 2)How did you wrong him? You said a name. 1)Yes a name I don’t care to say agian. 2)There is but one crime amongest us vampires…. a crime that means death to any vampire, to kill your own kind.

1)Vampires who pretent to be humans pretending to be vampires! 2) How avant-garde.

1)What is it now? You irritate me, your very presence irritates me! 2)Does it? 1)And another thing, I have found a better vampire then you both. 2)Is that suppose to frighten me? 1)Your spoiled because you are an only child, you need a brother, or at least I do, I am weary of you both. 2)Your aliar, but you spoil my plans. 1)What plans? 2) I’ve coem to make peace with you, even though you are the father of lies and deceit.

1)Where are we going? 2)No where

1)WHY? WHY SHOULD I KNOW THESE THINGS? DO YOU KNOW THEM? THAT NOISE, THAT NOISE IS DRIVING ME MAD! We have been in the country for WEEKS with nothing but that noise!! 2)Yes, they know about us, they watch us dine from emty plates and drink from emty glasses. 1) Come to New Orleans, the Paris opera is in town we can dine of french cui,…. cuisine. 2)Excuse me if I have a lingering respect for life. 1) You will soon run out of chickens Louis…..

1)You thought you could have it all. 2)Oh shutup Louie!

1. Get me a priest! I can’t die like this! 2. My friend is a priest.

1. Why do you do this! 2. I like to do it. I enjoy it.

1.You always give me a doll every year on this night. I have dozens of them. 2. Well, I thought you could use one more.

1: Perfect! Perfect! Just burn everything, burn everything we own! 2: You thought you could have it all.
1: Oh, shut up, Louis.

(1)I’m a vampire.
(2)That’s something I haven’t heard before, you ah you mean this literally I take it.
(1)Absolutely, I was waiting for you in that alleyway, watching you watching me, then you began to speak.

Armand: ..I need you to make contact with this age. Louis: Don’t you see? I’m not the spirit of any age. I’m at odds with everything, I always have been. Armand: But Louie, that is the very spirit of your age. Your fall from grace, has been the fall of a cenury.

Lestat: Claudia, what have we told you? Claudia: Never in the house.

Santiago: ..And the lesson endeth here, and it is this: each one of you my clammy hands must touch, each must bend his forehead to my kiss. But ah, me sense a mortal doth approach. What have we here?! What beauty by my side. Perhaps she has a mind to be my bride. Perhaps my lesson has not ended yet.

Absyinthe, you’ve given them absyinthe
No, laundnum. It killed them, unfortunately, but it keeps the blood warm

Actually I’m quite fond of looking at crucifixes.

All I need do to find you, Louis, is follow the corpses of rats.

All I need to find you Louis is follow the corpses of rats.

all i need to find you, louis,is follow the corpses of rats

All my passion went with the golden curls

ANd to think : You are all I have to learn from .


bound to together in hatred bound together in love, oh Louie

Claudia, you have been a very, very naughty little girl.

Claudia…You have been…a very very Naughty little girl..

Coffins, unfortunately, are a necessity.

Come, beloved. It’s time we were on our way. I’m hungry and the city

Do it! for do not doubt, you are a killer Louis!

Do you still want death….or have you tasted enough of it?

Don’t bebe frightened, I want this oppertunity.

Don’t make me do this, I CANNOT!

Drink from me and live Forever

Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves.

Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves.

Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves.

Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we…For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like Him as ourselves…

Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately, and so shall we. For no creature under God are as we are. None so like him as ourselves.

Feed , on what you want . Chickens ,rats…poodles .

Feed on what you like…rats, chickens…poodles[laughs] but remember life without me would be even more unbearable.

for do not doubt louis you are a killer

For what could the damned freely have to say to the damned?

Forgive me if I have a lingering respect for life

God kills indescriminately, and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are. None so like him as ourselves…


God kills indiscriminantly and so shall we.

Good night handsome prince, may flights of devils bring you to your rest.

Good night sweet prince, may flights of devils wing you to your rest.

Good night sweet prince, may flights of devils wing you to your rest????

Good night, sweet prince. May flights of devils wing you to your rest.

Goodnight, sweet prince, may flights of devils wing you to your rest.

HAHAHA…My Phillosopher, My Martyr, never take a human life…oh yes, this calls for a celebration…….There’s still life in the old lady yet!!! HAHAHA!!…Louie…Come back…YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE!!!!

Have You Said Your GoodByes To The light

Have you said your goodbyes to the light?

He knew me, he knew I would love her more then the waking world. But there was more to it. He lavished affection on her, there is no doubt about that. Perhaps in the end he did it because he was lonely too.

He left me there. . on the banks of the Mississippi

Hear me now, this place is cursed, damned, and yes your master is the Devil

Her blood coursed through my veins sweeter than life itself. And as it did, Lestat’s words made sense to me. I knew peace only when I killed and when I heard her heart in that terrible rhythm, I knew again what peace could be.

How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful, magical? Our white skin, our fierce eyes, drink you ask! Do you have any idea of the thing you will become?

How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful, magical? Our white skin, our fierce eyes? Drink you ask me, do you have any idea of the thing you will become?

I am going to give you the chance that I never got to have.

i am the oldest living vampire in the world

I assume I dont need an introduction

I assume I need no inroduction

I assume I need no introduction…I’m going to give you the choice I never had

I feel better already

I feel better already.

I know nothing of god or the devil. I have never learned a secret nor found a cure that would damn or save my soul.

I know nothing of God…or the Devil. I have never seen a vision, nor learned a secret that would damn or save my soul.

I suppose we could people the world with vampires, the three of us.
Oh no, not you, my little Claudia.

I walked all night, I walked as I had walked years before when my mind swarmed with guilt at the thought of killing. I had thought of all the thing I had done, and couldn’t undo. And I longed for one seconds peace.

I want some more

I was a newborn vampire, weeping at the beauty of the night

I was twenty four years old – younger than you are now. But times were different then, and at that age I was a man…

I’m flesh and blood you see, but not human. I haven’t been human in two hundred years.

I’m flesh and blood. But not human. I haven’t been human in 200 years.

i’m going to give you the choice, i never had

I’m going to give you the choice, I…never had

It’s time for justice little one.

Just remember… Life without me would be even more unbearable.

L: Oh *****, *****, still whining, *****. Have you heard enough? I’ve had to listen to that for centuries.

L: Oh, Louis, Louis, still whining, Louis? Have you heard enough? I’ve had to listen to that for centuries.

Lestat killed two, sometimes three a night. A fresh young girl, that was his favorite for the first of the evening. For seconds, he preferred a gilded beautiful youth. But the snob in him loved to hunt in society, and the blood of the aristocrat thrilled him best of all.

Lestat, I have wronged you. I have delivered you into the hands of death, not once, but a second time

Lestat: Oh, Louis, Louis. Still whining, Louis? (Looks at Mallory) Have you heard enough? I’ve had to listen to that for centuries. (Switchs off radio and motions towards Mallory, who flinches) Don’t be afraid. I’m going to give you the choice I never had.

lestat: Don’t be afraid. I’m going to give you the choice I never had.

Lestat: It’s so easy you almost feel sorry for them.

lestat:god i swear you grow more like Louis each day.Soon you’ll be eating rats.
claudia:rats?when did you eat rats louis?
louis: A long long time ago before you were born and i dont recommend them.

Lestat:God kills indiscrimantlyand so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves.

Life has no meaning any more does it? The wine has no taste, the food sickens you, there seems no reason for any of it, does there? But what if I could give it back to you. Pluck out the pain, and give you another life, one you could never imagine, and it would be for all time. And sickness and death could never touch you again. Don’t be afraid, I’m going to give you the choice, I, never, had.

Life with out me would be even more unbarible!!

Locked together in hatred. But I can’t hate you Louis. Louis my love, I was mortal to you. You gave me your immortal kiss you became my mother, and my father, and so I’m yours forever. But now it’s time to end it, Louis. Now it’s time to leave him.

Locked together in hatred. But I can’t hate you Louis. Louis my love, I was mortal to you. You gave me your immortal kiss you became my mother, and my father, and so I’m yours forever. But now it’s time to end it, Louis. Now it’s time to leave him.

Louie my love

Louis – What’s happening to me?

LeStat – Your body’s dying, it happens.

Louis had a wife! She was human and so was he!

Louis had a wife. He was mortal, the same as she, and so was I!

Louis(mortal): you lack the courage of your convictions sir, DO IT!

Louis: Bear me no ill will my love, for at last, we are even
Claudia: What do you mean father?
Louis: What died in that room was not that woman. What has died. .was the. . last breath in me. . that was human
Claudia: Yes father, at last, we are even

louis: What if all I have is my suffering, my regret?
Armand: Don’t you want to lose it?
Louis: Why? So you can have that too?! The heart that mourns her, her that you burnt to a cinder.
Armand: Louis, I swear that I…
Louis: Ah, but I know you did. I know. You who regrets nothing, you who feels nothing, if that’s all I have left to learn, I can do that on my own…and as much as your invitation may appeal to me, I regretfully decline.

Louis: Where are we?
Lestat: Where do you think, my idiot friend? We’re in a nice, filthy cemetery. Does this make you happy? Is this fitting, proper enough?
Louis: We belong in hell.
Lestat: And what if there is no hell, or they don’t want us there? Ever think of that?
Louis: But there was a hell, and no matter where we moved to, I was in it.

LV: I wanted to lose it all, my wealth, my estate, my sanity…(placing down cards… reveals 4 ace’s)
Drunk: How many ace are in that deck?
Louis: Are you calling me a cheat?
Drunk: I’m calling you a peice of stinking awful!(reveals pearl handled pistol. aims it a Louis)
Louis: you lack the courage of your conviction sir… Do it!
LV: most of all I longed for death… I know that now… I invited it. A release from the pain of living….

LV: I wanted to lose it all, my wealth, my estate, my sanity…(placing down cards… reveals 4 ace’s)
Drunk: How many ace are in that deck?
Louis: Are you calling me a cheat?
Drunk: I’m calling you a peice of stinking awful!(reveals pearl handled pistol. aims it a Louis)
Louis: you lack the courage of your conviction sir… Do it!
LV: most of all I longed for death… I know that now… I invited it. A release from the pian of living….

Madalene, Louie’s shy.

Merciful death

Merciful death, how you love your precious guilt.

Most of all i longed for death. I know that now. I invited it. a release from the pain of living.

My invitation was opne to anyone , to the whore at my side , to the pimp that followed us . But it was a vampire that accepted .

my name is Aramnd, no one will hurt you, i will not allow it. and bring the petit beauty with you

Oh god, I love you still, and that’s the torment of it. but who will care for me my love, my dark angel when you are gone?

Oh louie louie. Still whining Louie. Have you heard enough? I’ve had to listen to that, for centuries!

Oh Louie, Louie, Still whining Louie, have you heard enough? I’ve had to listen to that for centuries…

Oh Louie…still whining! Have you heard enough?

Oh, vampires pretending to be humans, pretending to be vampires. How avante guarde.

Perfect ! Perfect ! Just burn the place ..burn everything we own !!

Perfect! Just perfect! Destroy everything we have!

Should we start like David Copperfeild, I am born I grew up? Or shall we start when I was born to darkness as I call it. 2)You aren’t lieing to me are you? 1)Why would I lie? The year was 1791, I was 24 then, younger then you are now but times were diffrent I was a man at that age. Master of a large plantation just south of New Orleans I had lost my wife in child birth, she and the infant had not been buried half a year………

So you want me to tell you the story of my life.

Take your aesthete’s tastes to purer thing. Kill them swiftly, if you will! But do it, for do not doubt, you are a killer!

That morning I was not yet a vampire, and I saw my last sunrise. I remember it completely, and yet I can’t recall any sunrise before it. I watched its whole magnificence for the last time as if it were the first. And then I said farewell to sun light, and set out to become what I became.

The dark gift is different for each of us. But one thing is true everyone grows stronger as we go along.

The statue seemed to move but didn’t… The world had changed yet stayed the same…

The statues seemed to move but didn’t. The world had changed yet stayed the same. I was a new-born vampire weeping at the beauty of the night.

There is nothing in this world now that doesn’t hold some fascination…..

There’s still life in the old lady yet !!!

They found death quickly in those days, before she learned to play with them.

Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires…

Very good! Not a drop spilt.

We reached the Mediterranean. I wanted those waters to be blue, but they were black, nighttime waters, and how I suffered then, straining to recall the color that in my youth I had taken for granted.

What have we told you? Never in the house. Make some room.

What if there is no Hell, or they don’t want us there? Ever think of that?

Whatever happened to Lestat I do not know. I go on, night ever night. I feed on those who cross my path. But all my passion went with the golden hair, and all the spirit of preternatural flesh detached, unchangeable empty.

Which one of you did it? Which one of you did it? Which one of you made me the way that I am?

Would You Like the Date of My Birth or the day of my Birth into Darkness As I Call It

Yes, they know about us, they watch us dine on empty plates and drink from empty glasses.

You always give me a doll every year on this night. I have dozens of them.

You are a vampire who never knew what life was until it ran out in a big gush over your lips.

You dress me like a doll. You make my hair like a doll. Why?

You lack the courage of your convictions, sir.

You lack the courage of your convictions, sir. DO IT!

You’re spoilt because you’re an only child. You need a brother. Or I do. I’m weary of you both.

Your body is dying… pay no attention. It happens to us all.

Your body’s dying, pay no attention.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Interview with the Vampire’: Quotes from the movie ‘Interview with the Vampire’

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