Movie Quotes from Ideal Husband, An: Quotes from the movie Ideal Husband, An

1) But I love talking about nothing, Father. It’s the only thing I know anything about. 2) That’s a paradox, sir. I hate paradoxes. 1) Yes, you know, everybody’s a paradox these days. It makes society so…obvious. 2) Do you always understand everything you say, sir? 1)Yes…if I listen carefully.

1) I hate political parties…bunch of nobodies talking about nothing! 2) Yes, but I love talking about nothing, Father. It’s the only thing I know anything about. 1) That’s a paradox, sir! I hate paradoxes! 2) So do I, Father. Everyone one meets is a paradox nowadays. It makes society so…obvious. 1) Do you always understand everything you say, sir? 2) Yes…if I listen carefully.

1) It tells me that a person who was once guilty of a dishonest act may be guilty of it a second time, and must be shunned. 2) Would you apply that rule to everybody? 1) Yes, without exception. 2) Then I am truly sorry for you, Gertrude. It has been my experience that people always apply morality to those they dislike. You dislike me; I am quite aware of that. And I have always detested you.

1) We were very well-suited, as I remember. 2) Well, I was rich and you were poor. It suited you very well indeed. Until you met the baron, who was richer…and that suited you even better. 1) Have you forgiven me yet? 2) My dear woman, it was all so long ago, I’ve all but forgotten.

1) What’s that saying about there being a sea and plenty of fish in it? 2) Oh yes, but, you see, I couldn’t possibly marry a fish. I’d be sure to land an old trout.

1) You are thirty-six… 2) Shh! Father! I only admit to thirty-two! 1) You are thirty-six and YOU MUST HAVE A WIFE! 2) A wife? Uhh.

1) You could always get married. 2) Yes. It’s the ‘always’ part that alarms me.

Dear Father, we men married a women we deserve and we should have a very bad time with this…

But I love talking about nothing, Father. It’s the only thing I know anything about.

Distressingly little time for sloth or idleness.

Excuse me a moment. I’m in the middle of my performance of the attentive son.

Fashion is not what other people wear, Phipps, it is what oneself wears. Other people are quite dreadful. The only possible company is oneself. To love oneself is the start of a lifelong romance.

I love talking about nothing. It’s the only thing I know about.

I love tedious, practical subjects. What I don’t like are tedious, practical people.

If you think my position in Parliament means anything to my wife, you are wrong. It means everything to my wife.

My dear father, when one pays a visit it is for the purpose of wasting other people’s time and not one’s own

The only possible society is oneself. To love oneself is the begining of a lifelong romance.

The truth is….I lied.

To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing, for one does not see a thing until one sees its beauty.

To love oneself is the start of a lifelong romance.

What one wears is fashionable. What other people wear is unfashionable. Other people are dreadful.

You dislike me. I am quite aware of that and I have always detested you.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Ideal Husband, An’: Quotes from the movie ‘Ideal Husband, An’

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