Movie Quotes from High Crimes: Quotes from the movie High Crimes

–Have you ever won a case?

–Is he ambidextrous?

–Lieutenant, I am an attorney. May I please see the charging document?
–We call it a charge sheet.
–Fabulous. May I see it?

-Agent Mullins. I just need a minute of your time.
-Somehow I’m confident it’s not my rugged good looks to which I owe
the honor of this visit.

-But Major, you were trained and often compelled to lie about you
clandestine missions. As I understand it, you’re trained to beat a
polygraph. Is it true you possess that talent?
-I’d only use it if interrogated by the enemy, ma’m.
-That’s good to know. So tell me this, Major, do you consider me a

Claire Kubik: Agent Mullins! I just need a minute of your time!
FBI Agent Mullins: Somehow I’m confident it’s not my rugged good looks to which I owe the honor of this visit.

Claire Kubik: Doesn’t it make more sense that some of those alleged witnesses were ordered to lie on their CID statements?
Major Hernandez: They were NOT ordered to lie.
Claire Kubik: How do you know?
Major Hernandez: I would know if something like that happened to my men.
Claire Kubik: And if something like that happened to your men you would tell us.
Major Hernandez: Of course. I wouldn’t lie about it.
Claire Kubik: But major, you were trained and often compelled to lie about your clandestine missions. As I understand it, you’re trained to beat a polygraph. Is it true you possess that talent?
Major Hernandez: I’d only use it if interrogated by the enemy, ma’m.
Claire Kubik: That’s good to know. So tell me this major, do you consider me a friend?

Claire Kubik: Lieutenant, I am an attorney. May I please see the charging document?
Lt. Embry: We call it a charge sheet.
Claire Kubik: Fabulous. May I see it?

I love being a wild card.

I said you should follow the rules. I’m the wild card.

I’ve already survived you once, you smug son of a bitch! The question
is: Will you survive me?

Jackie: I just don’t believe it. I refuse.
Charlie Grimes: My assistant now used to say ‘truth is less fun than fiction’.
Jackie: Terry would never do that!
Claire Kubik: Oh, you’re screwin’ him so you know him?
Jackie: Excuse me, Mrs RON CHAPMAN!

Military justice is to justice as military music is to music, Mrs. Kubik.

Military law is not the same.

See you in court, sir.

That is not fair…That is not fair. You can’t hold, you can’t use your left hand.

The whole military judical system is based on denial.

This is C.W. Grimes and Associates. If you wanna talk to Charlie, you
should leave a message after the beep. If you wanna talk to Delilah,
you should get your head examined!

Wake up and smell the napalm.

You play be the rules. You do not fight the system.

[Charlie and his dog Delilah’s answering machine]
Charlie Grimes: This is C.W. Grimes and associates. If you wanna talk to Charlie you should leave a message after the beep. I you wanna talk to Delilah, you should get your head examined!

[To Brigadier General Bill Marks]
Claire Kubik: I’ve already survived you once you smug son of a bitch. The question is: Will you survive me?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘High Crimes’: Quotes from the movie ‘High Crimes’

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