Movie Quotes from Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary: Quotes from the movie Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary

-Prince came back this morning to support you.
-Larry knows, he was there. Woo!
-Paul, not Larry.
-Haha. Woo!

interviewee #1: The only way that I think that I might be beat is by someone who come straight out of the Marine Corp. They might have the metal.(supposed to be mental, but the dude can’t talk) (a few interviews later) interviewee #4: I think coming directly out of the service gives me an edge that I wouldn’t have otherwise. In training we had several mock wars where we would be up all hours of the night two and three days at a time where it meant life or death if you fell asleep… interviewer: What branch of the service where you in? interviewer #4: The Marine Corp

J.D., you always smoke non-filters?

R: I don’t know how i’m gonna go to sleep dat Monday, Monday? night..before the contest. I’m gonna have to step back and tell my mind, step back now, go to sleep. Because my minds gonna be focussed on dat truck, on dat truck, dat truck, dat truck and I’m gonna have to tell it to go to sleep.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary’: Quotes from the movie ‘Hands on a Hardbody: The Documentary’

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