Movie Quotes from Halloweentown: Quotes from the movie Halloweentown

(Sophie puts towel over head) Whoo Whoo. (Ghost smiles with a slight chuckle) Yeah very funny kid now go back to your mommy.

(Sophie puts towel over head) Whoo Whoo. (Ghost smiles) Yeah very funny kid, now go back to your mommy.

All You Have To Do Is Want Something And Then Let Yourself Have It!

HAHAHAHAHA!!(hooded demon)

I was hingry, but then I smelled something stinky… it must have been the Big Cheese!

I was hungry, but then I smelled something stinky… it must have been the Big Cheese!

Marnie:Hey chocolate bar

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Halloweentown’: Quotes from the movie ‘Halloweentown’

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