Movie Quotes from Grand Canyon: Quotes from the movie Grand Canyon

–So what do you think?
–I think it’s not all bad.

–This neighborhood is gone to shit.
–This country is gone to shit.

1)How are you going to discribe Jane? 2)Same way. 1)A very hansome black guy? 2)Yeah.

All of life’s riddles are answered in the movies.

I knew I can’t make those movies anymore. I can’t make another piece of art that glorifies violence and bloodshed and brutality. I can’t contribute another stone to this landslide of dehumanizing rage that has swept across this country like a pestilence.

I like living my life with you.

There is so much rage going around, we’re damned lucky we have the movies to help us vent a little.

Am I the only one here that respects the writing?

He’s kinda lonely, but he seems peaceful about it.

I have seen the light.

Lawyers, Guns, and Money.

Making a left turn in L.A. is one of the harder things you’re going to learn in life.

Man, the world aint supposed to work like this. I mean, maybe you don’t know that, but this aint the way it’s supposed to be. I’m supposed to do my job without asking you if I can. That dude is supposed to be able to wait with his car without you ripping him off. Everything is supposed to be different than the way it is.

Nobody in this town will admit that a producer is an artist.

That’s your problem: You don’t see enough movies. All of life’s riddles are answered in the movies.

The point is there’s a guld in this country. An ever-widening abyss
between the people who have stuff and the people who don’t have shit.
It’s like this big hole in the ground, as big as the fucking Grand
Canyon. And what’s come pouring out is an eruption of rage, and the rage creates violence, and the violence is real, Mack. Nothing’s gonna make it go away until someone changes something, which is not
going to happen.

The point is there’s a gulf in this country. An ever-widening abyss
between the people who have stuff and the people who don’t have shit.
It’s like this big hole in the ground, as big as the fucking Grand
Canyon. And what’s come pouring out is an eruption of rage, and the rage creates violence, and the violence is real, Mack. Nothing’s gonna make it go away until someone changes something, which is not
going to happen.

There’s so much rage going around, we’re damn lucky we have the movies to help us vent it.

Vanessa, why is it that when someone’s successful in one field, they think they know about everything?

We’re talking about a religious experience here. I might say ‘doth’
or ‘thou’ or a lot of things.

While we got a moment here, maybe you can explain something to me I never understood. What is the theory on this handkerchief thing? I mean, after you blow your nose in it, you put it back in your pocket and then you see someone in distress and you like give them this gift from your pocket and they are suppose to be grateful as they wipe it all over their face.

you know what your problems is, its that you havnt seen enough movies all of lifes riddle are answered in the movies.

You think anyone can do what I do? You think anyone can make the crap
I make?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Grand Canyon’: Quotes from the movie ‘Grand Canyon’

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