Movie Quotes from Follow the Stars Home: Quotes from the movie Follow the Stars Home

(all different individual quotes not in any order)

AMY: i can’t leave untill your ok
AMY: we came here because of me, everyone gets hurt because of me. I don’t take good care of Julia look what happened at the carnival, i didn’t take good care of my mum either. I hurt people, i hurt everyone
DIANE: No Amy no
DIANE:This is the best summer of her life Amy. Come here.
Do you know what it’s meant to me, for Julia to have a friend. I don’t think i can tell you, not in words. Your mother wants to get better because of you, don’t you see it’s just the opposite of what you think. Your so good, for everyone. Will you do something for me, it’s important.(AMY NODS) Go back, tell Julia i love her and i’m coming home, ok.

AMY: Do you believe in heaven diane.
DIANE: Absolutely.
AMY: I think my dad can see me from heaven, and i know he helped me
get to shore today, i know he did. I wish you could come back.
DIANE: So do i.
AMY: Julia misses her dan.
DIANE: She’s never met him.
AMY: His boat could sink, he could drown just like my dad, then
it’ll be too late.
DIANE: OHH. ( Diane put’s Amy’s head on her shoulder)

I chose the wrong brother

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Follow the Stars Home’: Quotes from the movie ‘Follow the Stars Home’

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