Movie Quotes from Everyone Says I Love You: Quotes from the movie Everyone Says I Love You

–You couldn’t figure out if you wanted to be a psychoanalyst or a writer!
–So I compromised…I became a writer and a patient.

Am I gonna scar?

He was a very deep genius.

I hate technology.

I should go to Paris and jump off of the Eiffel Tower. If I took the Concorde, I could be dead three hours earlier.

I should go to Paris and jump off the Eiffel Tower. If I took the Concorde I could die three hours earlier.

I’m not going with her. I don’t need a German shepherd.

I’ve never been kissed by a sociopath before.

It’s Bavarian pasta. It doesn’t need any sauce. Italian pasta needs sauce. The Italians were weak!

My knowledge of art is limited to Kirk Douglas as Vincent Van Gogh.

She was also a heroin addict, but I thought it was insulin.

She’s a romantic twit.

That’s Frieda, our maid. Personally, I think she was Hitler’s maid at Berchesgarden.

There’s no way I’m getting married until I’m 35 and I’ve lived. And then I’ll probably move in with a woman.

This could be me talking. ‘Mahler’s Fourth’ destroys me.

We’re not the typical family to be in a musical comedy.

You always pick the wrong women.

You’re completely correct to ask that question. It’s a good question. You should not be ashamed of it.

You’re sounding tiresomely biblical.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Everyone Says I Love You’: Quotes from the movie ‘Everyone Says I Love You’

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