Movie Quotes from Ernest Goes to Camp: Quotes from the movie Ernest Goes to Camp

(1) Do you have any leadership experience?
(2) I had an ant farm once.
(1) Close enough. How’d you like to be a counselor?

(Gives Ernest a stolen wallet) It’s like a gift, or somethin’.

(When checking out Toilet blockage) EEEWWWWWWW!!!


Ernest broke the sign….

Ernest, I ask you a simple little thing to do and this is what I get

Ernest: Hold the knife firmly at a perfect 45 degree angle and run the blade briskly down the stone and through the meat of the hand.

Ernest: My motto is: I never met a bad kid
Woman: Then let me introduce you to some.

Gee, I’m glad it’s rainin’.

I never eat on an empty stomach.

Isn’t that a rabbit over there?

Modeling clay!! That’s the secret ingredient to EGGSARONIOUS!

Mr. Tipton: Ernest…do you have any leadership experience?
Ernest: I had an ant farm once.
Mr. Tipton: Close enough. How’d you like to be a counselor?

That’s poison ivy, Ernest and for that your gonna need another shot.

They ain’t gonna get this camp.

You know what I mean Vern.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Ernest Goes to Camp’: Quotes from the movie ‘Ernest Goes to Camp’

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