Movie Quotes from Diner: Quotes from the movie Diner

–I heard he’s going to law school.
–That’s what I mean, nobody wants to make an honest buck.

–Just pick any record. Any record. Okay, what’s the hit side?
–Good Golly Miss Molly.
–Okay. Now ask me what’s on the flip side.
–Just, just ask me what is on the flip side, okay?
–What is on the flip side?
–Hey Hey Hey Hey! 1958! Specialty Records! See?

A) You never ask me what’s on the flip side? B) Cuz I don’t give a shit!

Beyond the Sea..

Billy, would you like a sandwich? It’s no trouble, really.

Don’t Be Cruel.

How did you get to be such a THING?! You don’t even look like me!

I don’t know, but it’s good.

I don’t like color television. Don’t like that color for nothin’. Saw ‘Bonanza’ at my in-laws. It’s not for me. The Ponderosa looked
fake. Hardly recognized Little Joe.

I’ll hit you so hard, I’ll hurt your whole family.

If you dont have good dreams, you got nightmares.

It’s a smile.

Kids, Kids did this.

New friends. Nope. You and me buddy, we got secrets they’ll never know. Those new friends will never be as good. Nope. We’ve got a history.
~It wont change, only if you let it.

Put on this wig – if anyone sees us they’ll think you’re Carol Heathrow or someone…

We need validation…

Who’s Charlie Parker?

Whole Lotta Loving.

You ever get the feeling theres something going on we dont know about?

You know what word I’m not comfortable with? Nuance. It’s not a real word. Like gesture, is a good word. At least you know where u stand with gesture. But nuance? I don’t know. Maybe I’m wrong.

You wanna fight? I’ll hit you so hard i’ll kill your whole family.

You’re confusing a friendship with a woman. Its not the same.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Diner’: Quotes from the movie ‘Diner’

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