Movie Quotes from Damien: Omen II: Quotes from the movie Damien: Omen II

#1 Ugh and whats that smell!?! #2 Lavender you fool, all old ladies douse themselves in them

1) Ann! Give me the daggers……uuurrgghhh!!!!!….Ann??!!! 2) There’s your daggers! I’ve always belonged to him!

1) Ann, give me the daggers !………..uuuuaarrrgghhhh!!!!!!!!! 2) There’s your daggers ! I’ve always belonged to him !

1) Mark?..I know you’re there… why are you running away from me, Mark? 2) I know who you are!..

1)…until he was defeated at Waterloo. 2) Date? ….1815.. Let’s stick with dates, Thorn. The Emperor’s death?….1821.. Battle of the Nile?….1879.. Trafalgar?….1805.. Thirty Years War?….start or finish?.. Start!….1618.. The Black Death?….1334.. Abraham Lincoln’s death?….1865.. Charles 1st.?….1649.. Oliver Cromwell?….1658.. Thomas More?….1535.. Thomas A-Beckett!?….1170.. The Black Prince?….1376.. Jean-Paul Marat!!?….1793.. Danton’s death!!?….1794.. Williiam McKinley?….1901.. Death of Socrates?….399BC.. Aristotle?….322BC.. err, Alexander the Great?….323BC.. errmm, Sir Francis Drake?….1596.. err, Julius Caesar?….44BC.. Roosevelt!!!!??….1945.. Richard 3rd.!!??……3) Thorn!! Come here!…..

Damien: I’ll ask you once more. Please come with me.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666

Mark. Look at me Mark.

The time is coming for you to put away childish things and face up to who you are.

Whyyy? Whyyy meee?

you was born of a jackall!

[Tagline] The first time was only a warning….

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Damien: Omen II’: Quotes from the movie ‘Damien: Omen II’

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