Movie Quotes from Captain Ron: Quotes from the movie Captain Ron

-And I know that we are near land! -Tell the good people how you know that Captain Ron. -Pay attention…when we left we had just enough fuel to make it to San Juan…and we are out of fuel!!

-BACK ON THE RAFT, BACK ON THE RAFT!! -Why? -Read the sign… (she starts reading) Let’s just focus on the main part… -Cuba. We’re in Cuba? -What’s so bad about Cuba? -yea I agree with Caroline…honey it land. -You’re listening to someone who’s world views are based on I Love Lucy re-runs. The world has changed a lot since Ricky Ricardo.

-Caroline honey, where’d you get this tattoo? -At Mumba’s shop. -No, where on your body!? -Mom, it’s kinda private. -You let a guy with a SPIDER on his head tattoo you someplace…kinda private?!?

-Dad, Dan. -Ben, would you be quiet…we’re tring to have a family discussion here!

-It’s on this island San Pomme De Terre.-That means potato. -No it doesn’t. -Yes it does honney, it means Saint Potato

-Oh hey a Mrs. Harvey. You lucky dog I bet she keeps your clock wound huh? -Ha, no that’s my daughter Caroline.

-Please don’t let my children find me drown and naked in a shower!

-That’s half the money I have. -Well, shit happens, cough it up.

1-What were they doing? 2-Nothing….they were playing hide the salami in the shower. *1 spits up* 2- OH COME ON KID!

1)(doubtingly)What pirates?! 2) The pirates of the Caribbean. 1) (mockingly) Been to Disneyland one too many times, Captain Ron?

The man took us to the wrong freaking island!

A boat likes it’s oil like a sailor likes his Rum

He did it on prupose…you can see it in his eyes. Excuse me…his eye!

He did it on purpose…you can see it in his eyes. Excuse me…his eye!

Hey, gets your hands off that … if you want a beer, you get your own.

I’m Captain Ron.

If I shoot I’ll miss him and hit the girl. Dad? Bang! Don’t sneak up on me like that! Dad the boats on fire! MOM……MOM!

Not gorilla, guerilla. Huge difference. HUGE!

oh this? Shark bit my eye!

We’re not having any guns on this boat!

Well boss, a diesel needs its oil like a sailor needs his rum.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Captain Ron’: Quotes from the movie ‘Captain Ron’

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