Movie Quotes from Blue Crush: Quotes from the movie Blue Crush

(Eden and Anne Marie talking)
Eden:What are you doing?
Anne Marie:Helping
Eden:Why? you’re not a maid anymore
AM:C’mon Eden dont be mad at me
E:I’m not mad(smiling)
(as Eden is making the bed she picks out a part of Anne Marie’s bathing suit)
E:Some guy thinks you look hot in a bikini and u forget about the contest
AM:C’mon thats not fair and u know it
E:Well I just happen to know that u kick ass out there and u’ve worked really hard to get to where u are
AM:I know
E:It’s only u and one other girl out there..I would kill to be in ur shoes

(Eden and Anne Marie talking)Eden:What are you doing? Anne Marie:Helping Eden:Why you’re not a maid anymore AM:C’mon Eden dont be mad at me E:I’m not mad(smiling) (as Eden is making the bed she picks out a part of Anne Marie’s bathing suit)Some guy thinks you look hot in a bikini and u forget about the contest AM:C’mon thats not fair and u know it E:Well I just happen to know that u kick ass out there and u’ve worked really hard to get to where u are AM:I know E:It’s only u and one other girl out there..I would kill to be in ur shoes AM:Eden I kno!..Look the contest comes first nothing else (Eden smirks)

(Eden to Anne Marie)E:Hey AM:What’s up? E:Look..I dont mean to be the buzz-kill here but the contest is in three days and I just dont think its time for.. AM:I know..but I already promised him surf lessons tomorrow E:Cant u just blow him off AM:No he already paid me E:Exactly AM:Eden E:Well I thought i’d rent a jetski put u into some size..Get u ready for Pipe AM:Ok I’ll meet u at lunch at 4 E:Why not earlier AM:I’ll meet u there as soon as I can

(Eden to Anne Marie)You were such a cocky little shit..Always talking trash on how you would be number 1..I was so pissed at you..cause I knew you would be..all talented and shit..the boys were spinnin’..remember that..they had to make up this bullshit rule to band you from the boys contest

1) Man that girl could rip… 2) who is that? 1) you. that was the first time you beat me in the Menahuna contest in Halieva…the boys were spitted. remember that? they had to through up some bullshit rule baring you from the boys contest…you were such a cocky little shit, talking all that trash on how you’d be number one, i was so pissed at you, cuz i knew you would be, all talented and shit

1:You’re going to surf in that?
2: No, I’m gonna surf in my da-na-da-na

Anne Marie-Are you buying me? Matt-no i just don’t want to lose you

Anne Marie: Hey, hows the surf lookin’ out there?
Jay Jay: Anne Marie? Your girl’s a hottie, hook me up!
Anne Marie:..haha, whats up Jay Jay!

Anne Marie: Penny didn’t finish her homework.
Penny: You weren’t here to help me.
Anne Marie: She’s got to do her homework.
Eden: Don’t give us shit ’cause you were out there working it.
Anne Marie: Shut up.
Lena: Don’t deny it. You were working it like a rib without the sauce.

Anne Marie: What do I want? Oh my god, I want, I want Penny to quit smoking and go to college. I want to be able to pay the phone, electric and water bills in the same month. Also, I’d like a girl to be on the cover of a surf magazine. It would be cooler if that girl was me, but any girl will do. But I guess mostly I just want my mom to come home.

aw little surf baby

be that girl i met on the beach .. who? who was that girl?
.. a girl who would never ask a guy what to do ..

Don’t hold back, cuz if you hold back for just one second, you’ll eat shit

Drew: Now that’s the view I like. (as AnneMarie is paddling away on her surfboard). AnneMarie: What, the one of me leaving? I like that view, too.

Drew: THAT’S my BITCH!

Drew: You really think you can surf it for real out there?
Anne Marie: Well, Drew, I dated you, I guess I can do anything.

Drew: [To Matt] Sorry if my pits stink man, but that’s just the way it goes!

Eden: How bout you crawl back into the cave you came from…
Kala: Yeah, how bout I knock you on the head and take you back with me!

Eden: There’s like a thousand dollars in here. I feel like your pimp!

Eden: These waves are for the big boys.

frekin pain in my royal ass!!!

Frickin pain in the royal ASS!

he’s leaving in a few days with a tan, and what are you gonna be lft with…a pair of shoes?

i dated you so i guess i can do anything

I know who I’am and I’m ok with it.

I want Penny to stop smoking and go to college. I want to be able to pay the phone electric and mortage bill in the same month. I want my mother to come back. I want to win Pipe tomorrow.

if you tell me to be the girl on the beach i’m gonna kick your ass

If you tell me to be the girl on the beach right now im gunna kick your ass!

JJ: It’s at least doubleoverhead

Kala: Hey, fluff your bangs up a little bit?

Manager of Lanakai: You can pick up your last paycheck next week, surf’s up Anne Marie!
Anne Marie: Please don’t suspend me.
Manager: I’m not suspending you, I’m firing you!
Eden: Well, if she’s fired, I quit!
Lena: Me too!
Anne Marie: So you’re seriously firing all of us?
Manager: No, I’m firing you, they quit, so don’t get any ideas about un-employment!
Anne Marie: Seriously, guys, don’t quit! We need to make rent

Matt: Wait, are you wearing my cologne?

Matt: Your a Girl That Doesn’t Ask A Guy What To Do..

Matt:Who are u then Anne Marie:I’m the girl u slept with over vacation..I’m the great story u tell when somebody asks u how u learned how to surf

Penny: Why does the sun rise in the east?
Nina: ‘Cuz it sets in the west

Penny: you where the one who made mom leave, you where screwing up all the time

Penny: You’re going to surf in that?
Leslie: No, I’m gonna surf in my da-na-da-na
Penny: Your what?
[Leslie whips off towel]
Leslie: Da na da na!!
Penny: You’re wearing nut-huggers!

right royal pain in the ass!!

That’s My BITCH!

the other day when i was ordering breakfast, the guy on the phone called me mirs. tollman, and i didn’t correct him…cuz for a moment, i liked the way it sounded…and i was just wondering if the Denny’s waitress felt the same way

This is a surfing competition, not a DROWNING competition.

this is it, this is it

you cant hesitate, you cant hold back, you cant pull back- cus if you pull back for a second your gonna get shit!

you wearing nut huggers! I like to call em nut containers

You’re going to surf in that?
No, i’m going to surf in my da-da-dun-na
Your what?!?!
My…DA-DA-DUN-NA (whips off hawaiian skirt to reveal a SPEEDO!)

You’re wearing a nut hugger. (referring to his speedo)

[to Penny]
Anne Marie: Somebody got to go to college, and it isn’t going to be me

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Blue Crush’: Quotes from the movie ‘Blue Crush’

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