Movie Quotes from Beverly Hillbillies, The: Quotes from the movie Beverly Hillbillies, The

(singing) Well… Let me tell ya a story ’bout a man named Jed. A poor mountineer bearly kept his family fed. But then one day he was shootin’ at some food, when up from the ground came a bubblin’ crude. Oil that is, black gold, texas tea.
Well next thing you know old Jeds a millionair, kinfolk said Jed move away from there. Said California is the place you otta be. So they loaded up the truck and the moved to Beverly. Hills that is, swimmin’ pools, movie stars…

1) It was no one. Now, I have your butt and I’m sqeezing! 2) TYLER! 1) AHH! 2) Let go of my butt!

1) Ow, that’s not legal! 2) Really? I call this the nutcracker! 1) (high pitched) That’s not legal either

1) Reckon why they got two sets of steps?
2) That’s easy – one’s for going up, and the other’s for going down!
1) Oh.

1)What a stupid idiot!! 2)Did you say something mam? 1)What a stupendous intelect.

1. I don’t know why you would hand anything over to that gorilla. 2. Well, that gorilla is the captian of the wrestling team. 1. Wow, I’ve never wrasteld a team before. Unlessen you count the McCotter triplets. 2. Cappachino? 1. Huh? 2. Two

1. Jethro 2. Yes ma? 1. Did you fix those bare as bones brakes like I said? 2. Of course, I pulled them off yesterday. The new one should be in the mail next week!

::while electrocuted:: neeneeneeneenee…. neeneeneeneenee….

Happiness (a penis) is hard to find.

Happy Birthdaym Mr. Clampett! Well doggies!

I hear she’s so skinny, you couldn’t hit with a hand full of corn!

I’m gonna go there, even if wild donkeys chased me!

Jedd: Lets give ’em the California howdy!! (Flips em off)

Jethro has the eduacation, graduated in 6th grade! Knows how to count by 2’s, very proud of that boy!

Jethro- I grad-e-ated in the 6th grade. Only took me three years!

Let go of me you greddy hooligans!

Let’s wrastle

She thinks she’s talkin’ to someone….ain’t even a cord there..hee hee hee…

Watch your head Granny!!!

Well doggies!

Well Howdy Ms.Hathaway we’re colleagues,me Jane you Jethro.

Well I recon you done what you done, cuz you didn’t know we was who we was. If we hadn’t been who we was, we still be much obliged for you done what you done.

Well, doggies, never knew that wild monkeys could bowl!

What will you be serving tonight? Grasshopper stew with Crocodile suace!

You knocked the can over, you wild donkey’s butt, I’ll kill ya!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Beverly Hillbillies, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Beverly Hillbillies, The’

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