Movie Quotes from Battle of the Bulge: Quotes from the movie Battle of the Bulge

(Am. Officer to German Officer)You Germans!
*Us? What are you Americans doing here in Germany? We are just minding our own business and not bothering anyone.

(Charles Bronson as Major Wolensky): I’ll you what I and some of my men think. When we get to Germany, we’ll knock down every house, every bridge, rip up every road. Don’t leave one brick standing on top of the other. Flatten everything, wipe Germany clean off the map! Turn it into a prarie, and ship over a few buffalo and let them start over. Now, whaddaya think of that, Colenol?
(Henry Fonda as Col. Kiley): I think that your men need to shave and wash their socks. It stinks in here.

(German officer to American officer after receiving the famous NUTS reply, from Gen. MacCaliff, to the German offer of an American surender.)*I understand english and I now what nuts are but I do not understand it used this way.(American reply) Well, do you understand GO TO HELL?

1. Get out your machine gun.

1. Lutienant?

2. Yes?

1. Weren’t you at the Euro River setting up explosives on the bridge?

1. Does the road to Ambleve still lead to Malpree?!

(Machine Gun Sounds)

1. Give me your rifle.

2. Sir what you need is a cannon.

1. The last time I saw this guy, all I had with me was a camera

1. Red River 6 come in:

2. Red River 6, this is Red River 2. Germans uniformed as American MP’s have control of the Euro River Bridge. Bridge has not been blown. I repeat: Germans uniformed as American MP’s have control of the Euro River Bridge. Bridge has not been blown.

1/ They’ve made mistakes before…. but what’s their next one going to be?
2/ Well, they got me mad at them

1/ Where’s your rifles???
2/ But sir… we’re cooks!!
1/ Lunchtime is over…. get your rifles!!

1/_If we have not won the war and we have not lost, what then?
2/_The best of all possible situations, Conrad… the war will go on…. and on!

Adolf Hitler is a crazy Austrian housepainter.

Anybody who can carry a rifle is to use it.

awe nuts

Babe Ruth hit the most home runs, sixty in 1927.

Facts mean nothing to you. Evidence means nothing to you. All you can see is your own cockeyed hunches.

Get off the road!

Having been an inspector of police doesn’t disqualify me from thinking. All cops aren’t flatfoots.

I did not lose a war to die in the back seat of a car.

If ten men tell you you’re drunk…. you better take a seat

Montgomery’s Eighth Army was in the north.

Petrol is blood.

Release the boy…Shoot the father!

That’s it. They’re running out of gas.

the battle of the bulge was definitely one of the most difficult in which i have been able to participate and the stakes were considerable.

The Germans are still the best toy makers in the world.

The price of war is never cheap.

This movie its incredibly worthless. You have no life

Unusual clock, isn’t it? It has only one cycle. Fifty hours.

Watch out! Those MP’s are Krauts!

We must measure what we might gain by what we might lose.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Battle of the Bulge’: Quotes from the movie ‘Battle of the Bulge’

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