Movie Quotes from Awakenings: Quotes from the movie Awakenings

(1)I was to extract one decagram of miolyn from four tons of earthworms.
(1) Yes. I was on that project for five years. I was the only one who believe in it, everyone else said it couldn’t be done.
(3) It can’t.
(1) I know that now, I proved it.

(1)We call this place the garden.
(2) Why?
(1) ‘Cause all we do is feed and water them.

1)Did you have a chance to look at any of the – 2)Freud believed in miracles. Prescribing cocaine like it was candy. We all believed in the ‘miracle’ of Cortisone until our patients went psychotic on it. Now it’s L-Dopa. 1)With all due respect, I think it’s rather too soon to say that. 2)With all due ‘respect’, it’s rather way too soon. Let the chemists do the damage

1)Did you read the case-the husband who came home to find his wife singing. She hadn’t felt like singing in years. 2)I read them all. Soberly. All thirty cases had mild Parkinson’s. Your Parkies – if that is what they are – haven’t moved for decades. You know better than to make a leap like that, you want to believe there is a connection, that doesn’t mean there is one. 1)What I believe, what I know, is that these people are alive inside. 2)How do you know? Because they catch tennis balls? 1)I know it. 2)And what if this drug were to kill them? 1)And what if this drug were to cure them? 2)How many did you think I’d let you put on it? 1)All of them….some of them….one of them 2)One. With the family’s consent. Signed.

1)Does he ever speak to you? 2)Of course not. Not in words. 1)He speaks to you in other ways? How do you mean? 2)You don’t have children 1)No. 2)If you did you’d know

1)Dr. Sullivan, this is Dr. Sayer. 2)Not the neurologist, that’d be asking too much. You’re not the neurologist 3)I think I am 2)Well come on Anthony get him a coat for Chirst’s sake

1)He never talked about girls before. He certainly never had anything to do with them. It’s a bit ridiculous all this girl business, don’t you think? A grown man like him? You know what he said? I should take a vacation. I should go away for a few days and ‘relax’ 2)Maybe you should. I’m sure he meant you deserve a vacation. Which you do. 1)I can’t leave him alone in this place. He’d die without me.

1)How’s it going Frank? 2)How’s it going? 1)How do you feel? 2)How do I feel? My parents are dead. My wife is in an institution. My son has disappeared ‘out west’ somewhere. I feel old and I feel swindled, that’s how I feel

1)I don’t know how to say this, Miriam, so I’m just going to say it. Your husband? He was granted a divorce from you in 1953. 2)Thank God.

1)I don’t know if he knows I visit him or not. I don’t know that he knows who I am. My mother doesn’t think so. She doesn’t come around anymore. 2)But you do. 1)Sometimes I think I see something. I think I see a change. And for a second, I see him like he was. Does that make any sense? 2)Yes.

1)I don’t understand it, he was never any trouble before. He was quiet, and polite, and respectful. He never demanded anything. He was never disobedient. 2)He was catatonic Mrs. Lowe. 1)I’m speaking of when he was a boy

1)I want to know more about him 2)Something was wrong, they said, with his hands. He couldn’t write anymore, he couldn’t do the work, I should take him out of school, they said. He was eleven. He slowly got worse. He’d be talking, suddenly he’d come to a stop. After a few seconds he’d finish what he was saying like nothing happened, but these standstills got longer. Sometimes he’d call to me and I’d come in and find him at his desk in a trance. An hour, two hours. Then he’s be okay again. One day I came home from work and found him in his bed, his arm like this, reaching. ‘What do you want Leonard?’ He never spoke again. It was like he’d disappeared. I took him to Bainbridge later that year. November 14th, 1937. He was twenty. 1)What’d he do with himself, Mrs. Lowe, those nine years he stayed in his room? 2)He read.

1)If she batted it away I might call it a reflex. She doesn’t bat it away, she catches it. 2)It’s still a reflex 1)I’m sorry, if you were right I would agree with you

1)Most died during the acute stage of the illness, during a sleep so deep they couldn’t be roused. A sleep that in most cases lasted several months. Those who survived, who awoke, seemed fine, as though nothing had happened. Years went by – five, ten, fifteen – before anyone suspected they were not well…they were not. I began to see them in the early 1930’s – old people brought in by their children, young people brought in by their parents – all of them complaining they weren’t themselves anymore. They’d grown distant, aloof, anti-social, they daydreamed at the dinner table. I referred them to psychiatrists. Before long they were being referred back to me. They could no longer dress themselves or feed themselves. They could no longer speak in most cases. Families went mad. People who were normal, were now elsewhere. 2)What must it be like to be them? What are they thinking? 1)They’re not. The virus didn’t spare the higher faculties 2)We know what for a fact? 1)Yes. 2)Because? 1)Because the alternative would be unthinkable.

1)People with ordinary Parkinson’s Disease sometimes complain that they’ve ‘lost their grace’ They have to think about the things we do. It has to do with a chemical in the midbrain, or rather the lack of it, called dopamine. L-Dopa replenishes this dopamine, making it possible for these patients to move more naturally. 2)Leonard has Parkinson’s Disease? 1)No. No, his symptoms are like Parkinsons…and then again they’re not. 2)Then what will this medicine do for him? 1)I don’t know what it’ll do for him, if anyting. 2)What do you think it will do? 1)I don’t know 2)What do you hope it will do? 1)I hope it’ll bring him back from wherever he is. 2)To what? 1)To the world 2)What’s here for him after all these years? 1)You are here.

1)Some things have happened while you’ve been away. I thought you’d be interested. You don’t have to read them now, Leonard. They’re yours. At your leisure. 2)I used to read quite a lot. Before. 1)Yes, I know 2)Thank you for these. 1)Have you thought about what you’d like to do today? 2)Everything. 1)I’m not sure I can arrange that. 2)try

1)There was extreme rigidity of the axial musculature…only vague available motion in the neck, no voluntary movemant in the limbs. Perhaps the most striking was the profound facial masking-which we now know should not have been confused with apathy. Virtually aphonic, Mr. Lowe could articulate no words, but rather only, with consideralbe effort, an occasional noise, a kind of ah…Isolated circumstances – the mention of his name, notes of particular pieces of music, the touch of another human being – managed on occasion to briefly summon him, but these were rare and transient, lasting only a moment or two. The rest of the time he remained in a profoundly eventless place, deprived of all sense of history and happening and self-encysted, cocooned, enveloped in this metaphorical if not physiological equivalent of sleep…or death. (A before picture of Leonard appears on the screen) This was his condition when first seen by me in a remote bay of this hospital. And the quality of his life for the last 30 years. (An after picture of Leonard appears on the screen) 2)Now? 1)Whenever you’re ready 2)My name is Leonard Lowe. It has been explained to me that I have been away for quite some time. I’m back.

1)There’s an ordinary medicine with which we are all familiar. An everyday edicine of stubbed toes and bunions and boils. And then there is another kind. A medicine that holds out to the afflicted the promise of restored life. 2)Thank you. Yes. Yes, I’m very much interested in your work with this drug. I’m curious if… 1)Doctor…? 2)Sayer. I’m curious if you… 1)After I’m through, Dr. Sayer. If you wouldn’t mind.

1)There’s something else that reaches them. Human contact. He can’t walk without me. If I let go (to the patient) I won’t let go of you (to the Doctor) if I let go, he’ll fall. He’ll walk with me anywhere.

1)There’s something else that reaches them. Human contact. He can’t walk without me. If I let go (to the patient) I won’t let go of you (to the Doctor) if I let go, he’ll fall. He’ll walk with me anywhere.

1)There’s something else that reaches them. Human contact. He can’t walk without me. If I let go (to the patient) I won’t let go of you (to the Doctor) if I let go, he’ll fall. He’ll walk with me anywhere.

1)There’s something else that reaches them. Human contact. He can’t walk without me. If I let go (to the patient) I won’t let go of you (to the Doctor) if I let go, he’ll fall. He’ll walk with me anywhere.

1)There’s something else that reaches them. Human contact. He can’t walk without me. If I let go (to the patient) I won’t let go of you (to the Doctor) if I let go, he’ll fall. He’ll walk with me anywhere.

1)What are youy saying? When he’s awake, what, he’s dreaming? 2)When there’s any brain activity at all, which is infrequent, yes. Dreaming or hallucinating. 1)And when he’s asleep? 2)When he’s asleep he manages to create a kind of reality. What we might call reality. 1)That’s what you think these say? 2)I don’t know.

1)When my son was born healthy, I never asked why. Why was I so lucky, what did I do to deserve this perfect child, this perfect life? But when he got sick, you can bet I asked why. I DEMANDED to know why. Why was this happening? There was nothing I could do about it. There was no one I could go to and say, ‘Stop this, please stop this, can’t you see my son is in pain?’ 2)He’s fighting, Mrs – 1)He’s losing.

1)You’re trying to make a good impression. That’s it isn’t it? You’re still settling in. Miss Costello, you’ll see that Dr. Sayer’s patients waiting out there are rescheduled for tomorrow? 2)Yes sir. 1)Good night.

1. He’s fighting Mrs. Leonard. 2. He’s losing.

1. You told him i was a kind man. How kind is it to give life only to take it away again? 2. It’s given and taken away from all of us. 1. Why doesn’t that comfort me? 2. Because you ARE a kind man….. because he’s your friend.

1: Where are my glasses?
2: On your head

Dr. Sayer: Everybody’s sleeping.
Leonard: I’m not sleeping.
Dr. Sayer: No. You’re awake.

Hello. My name is Leonard…I’m back.

Her name is Lucy Fishman. She was found by neighbors with her sister, several days after the sister had died. According to the neighbors, she’s never set foot outside her apartment, has no other living relatives, and has always been the way she is now – without any comprehension or response.

I have to take your blood pressure.

I know what year it is…I just can’t imagine being older than twenty-two. I have no experience at it. I know it’s not 1926…I just need it to be.

I’d agree with you if you were right

I’m sorry. I would agree with you – if you were right.

it’s a fucking miracle!!!

Learn from me, learn from me!

Let’s begin.

Take me away from this place.

The human spirit is more powerful than any drug – and that’s what needs to be nourished.

This is a mistake. It’s wrong and it’s cruel and it should never have happened like this – but you have to understand – nothing quite like this has happened before, no one knows what to do…Leonard, please don’t ignore me.

What a wonderful place The Bronx has become

You’d think at a certain point, all these a-typical somethings would amount to a typical something, but a typical what?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Awakenings’: Quotes from the movie ‘Awakenings’

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