Movie Quotes from Airport 1975: Quotes from the movie Airport 1975

–Well, the first stewardess is at the controls, but she…she’s in
constant touch with the tower.
–You mean the stewardess is flying the plane!!!
–You please keep that to yourself.

–What do you do in Salt Lake City?
–I went there once. It was closed.

Best Friend.

Climb Baby, Climb…

Damn! The brake’s pressure is dropping.

I went out with a girl once who was half French and half Chinese. I came home late one night, she ate my laundry.

I’m emancipated, liberated, and highly skilled in kung fu.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying Columbia Airline.

My wife and son are out on that airplane. I’m going to Salt Lake City.

The only way is to put a pilot into 409.

The radio’s dead. We’re all alone now, Bette.

What, are we here already?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Airport 1975’: Quotes from the movie ‘Airport 1975’

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