Movie Quotes from Accused, The: Quotes from the movie Accused, The

At this moment.

I don’t know. I’d like to go home and I’d like to play with my dog.

I heard someone screaming, and it was me.

I’m talking love.

It means she can’t be a witness for us. In fact, when the defense finds her–and they will–she’ll be a witness for them!

Kenneth Joyce confessed to you that he watched a rape and did nothing. He told you that everyone in that bar behaved badly and he was right. But no matter how immoral it may be, it is not the crime of criminal solicitation to walk away from a rape. It is not the crime of criminal solicitation to watch a rape. But it is the crime of criminal solicitation to induce, or entreat, or encourage, or persuade another person to commit a rape. *Hold Her Down*, *Stick It To Her*, *Make Her Moan*, *Poke That Pussy*. These three men did worse than nothing. They cheered, and they clapped, and they rooted the others on. They made sure that Sarah Tobias was raped…..and raped….and raped….and raped. And tell me, was THAT nothing?

Ladies and Gentleman, Mr. Paulson has told you the testimony of Sarah Tobias is nothing. Sarah Tobias was raped….but THAT is nothing. She was cut, broozed, and terrorized….but THAT is nothing. All of it happened in front of a howling crowd …..and THAT is nothing. Well, it may be nothing to Mr. Paulson, but it is NOT nothing to Sarah Tobias…..and I don’t believe it’s nothing to you.

Ladies and Gentleman, Mr. Paulson has told you the testimony of Sarah Tobias is nothing. Sarah Tobias was raped….but THAT is nothing. She was cut, bruised, and terrorised….but THAT is nothing. All of it happened in front of a howling crowd …..and THAT is nothing. Well, it may be nothing to Mr. Paulson, but it is NOT nothing to Sarah Tobias…..and I don’t believe it’s nothing to you.

She was putting on a sex show.

This is what the jury is going to see. And they are going to see the girl too and you can’t tell it from these. But she’s tiny. She’s the most defenceless looking thing you you ever saw.

What the hell are you talking about? You saw me at the hospital. What?…You think I asked for that? Is that what you think? If that’s what you think then you get the fuck out of my house!

You don’t understand how i feel. I’m standing there with my pants down, and my CROTCH slung out for the world to see, and you’re tellin’ me that’s the best you can do! Well if that’s your best, then your best sucks… now i don’t care what you got for selling me out but i sure as shit hope its worth it!

You watched Kenneth Joyce. How did he strike you? Did he seem specially sensitive? Did he seem so remarkable that you said to yourselves *Of course. This man would notice things other people wouldn’t*. Do you believe that Kenneth Joyce saw something in that room that those other three men did not see. In all the time that Sarah was pinned down on that Pinball machine, that other people didn’t know? Kenneth Joyce confessed to you that he watched a rape and did nothing. He told you that everyone in that bar behaved badly and he was right. But no matter how immoral it may be, it is not the crime of criminal solicitation to walk away from a rape. It is not the crime of criminal solicitation to watch a rape. But it is the crime of criminal solicitation to induce, or entreat, or encourage, or persuade another person to commit a rape.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Accused, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Accused, The’

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