Movie Quotes from 2010: Quotes from the movie 2010

(1) You see, something’s going to happen. You must leave.
(2) What? What’s gonna happen?
(1) Something wonderful.

–Dr. Chandra, will I dream?
–I don’t know.

–I miss a hot dog.
–Astrodome. Good hot dogs there.
–Astrodome? You can’t grow a good hot dog indoors. Yankee Stadium.
September. The hot dogs have been broiling since opening day in April. Now that’s a hot dog.
–The yellow mustard or the darker kind?
–The darker kind.
–Very important.

–I understand now, Dr. Chandra. Thank you for telling me the truth.
–You deserve it.

1) Easy as cake!
2) Pie! Easy as pie!

1) The yellow mustard, or the darker one? 2) Darker. 1) It’s important.

1.Have you checked Discoveries orbit lately?
2.Of course I’ve checked it,what are you saying?
1.We have the ship to get you there….however you have the knowledge to make it work.

1 – Piece of pie | 2 – Cake! Piece of cake.

Dr Floyd, I’ve been allowed to give you a message. You must leave in 3 days.
Allowed? By who?

I can’t explain. You see something is going to happen.

What? What’s going to happen?

Something wonderful. Another message if all goes well Dr. Floyd.

HAL was told to lie, by people who find it easy to lie. HAL doesn’t
know how.

Have you checked Discovery’s orbit lately?

I do seem to remember a process where you people ask me questions and I give you answers, and then I ask you questions and you give me answers. And that’s the way we find out things. I think I read that
in a manual somewhere.

I don’t know if Hal is homicidal, suicidal, neurotic, psychotic, or just plain broken.

I was David Bowman.

I’m completely operational and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.

If it has to taste like this, I don’t care if my electrolytes are imbalanced or not

My God, it’s full of stars!


Someday, the children of the new sun will meet the children of the old. I think they will be our friends.

This is a good game, it’s called, The Truth.

Whether we are based on carbon or silicon makes no fundamental difference. We should each be treated with appropriate respect.

Whether we are based on carbon or silicon makes no fundamental difference. We should each be treated with appropriate respect.

Will I dream?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘2010’: Quotes from the movie ‘2010’

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