Best Famous Quotes by: David G. Farragut, James T. Farrell, Joseph Farrell, David Fasold, Tom Fasulo, William Faulkner, Ken Faver, William Feather, James Feibleman, Jules Feiffer, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Federico Fellni, Owen Felltham, Jerry Della Femina, Francois de Fenelon, Franois de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon, Herbert Fenstermeim, Millicent Fenwick, Richard Fenyman, Edna Ferber, Ferdinand I, Marilyn Ferguson, Enrico Fermi, Elizabeth Warnock Fernea, Doug Ferrari, Richard J. Ferris, Piero Ferrucci, Lewis S Feuer, Ludwig Feuerbach, and Paul Karl Feyerabend

Best David G. Farragut Quotes: The most famous quotes by David G. Farragut

Damn the torpedoes Full speed ahead — David G. Farragut

Best James T. Farrell Quotes: The most famous quotes by James T. Farrell

There’s one good kind of writer — a dead one. — James T. Farrell

America is so vast that almost everything said about it is likely to be true, and the opposite is probably equally true. — James T. Farrell

If you let conditions stop you from working, they’ll always stop you. — James T. Farrell

Best Joseph Farrell Quotes: The most famous quotes by Joseph Farrell

As experience widens, one begins to see how much upon a level all human things are. — Joseph Farrell

The secret of all power is – save your force. If you want high pressure you must choke off waste. — Joseph Farrell

If you go in for argument, take care of your temper. Your logic, if you have any, will take care of itself. — Joseph Farrell

Best David Fasold Quotes: The most famous quotes by David Fasold

Intellectual brilliance is no guarentee against being dead wrong. — David Fasold

Best Tom Fasulo Quotes: The most famous quotes by Tom Fasulo

Surfing on the Internet is like sex everyone boasts about doing more than they actually do. But in the case of the Internet, it’s a lot more. — Tom Fasulo

Best William Faulkner Quotes: The most famous quotes by William Faulkner

Always dream and shoot higher than you know how to. Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. — William Faulkner

I believe that man will not merely endure he will prevail. — William Faulkner

All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible. — William Faulkner

If people really liked to work, we’d still be plowing the land with sticks and transporting goods on our backs. — William Faulkner

Business is always interfering with pleasure, but it makes other pleasures possible. — William Faulkner

No man is a failure who is enjoying life. — William Faulkner

We always admire the other person more after we’ve tried to do his job. — William Faulkner

Setting an example for your children takes all the fun out of middle age Conditions are never just right. People who delay action until all factors are favorable do nothing. — William Faulkner

Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. — William Faulkner

Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, Not because they never found it, But because they didn’t stop to enjoy it. — William Faulkner

The artist doesn’t have time to listen to the critics. The ones who want to be writers read the reviews, the ones who want to write don’t have the time to read reviews. — William Faulkner

Best Ken Faver Quotes: The most famous quotes by Ken Faver

I’m not addicted to nicotine, so why do I have to participate in your drug addiction — Ken Faver

Best William Feather Quotes: The most famous quotes by William Feather

A man must not deny his manifest abilities, for that is to evade his obligations. — William Feather

Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. — William Feather

Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why, when I am in special need of help, the good deed is usually done by somebody on whom I have no claim. — William Feather

The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages is preserved into perpetuity by a nation’s proverbs, fables, folk sayings and quotations. — William Feather

Setting a good example for children takes all the fun out of middle age. — William Feather

One of the indictments of civilizations is that happiness and intelligence are so rarely found in the same person. — William Feather

Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious. — William Feather

The petty economies of the rich are just as amazing as the silly extravagances of the poor. — William Feather

Beware of the man who won’t be bothered with details. — William Feather

A hotel isn’t like a home, but it’s better than being a house guest. — William Feather

Best James Feibleman Quotes: The most famous quotes by James Feibleman

A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes. — James Feibleman

Best Jules Feiffer Quotes: The most famous quotes by Jules Feiffer

Christ died for our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them — Jules Feiffer

I used to think I was poor. Then they told me I wasn’t poor, I was needy. They told me it was self-defeating to think of myself as needy, I was deprived. Then they told me underprivileged was overused. I was disadvantaged. I still don’t have a dime. But I have a great vocabulary. — Jules Feiffer

The big mistake that men make is that when they turn thirteen or fourteen and all of a sudden they’ve reached puberty, they believe that they like women. Actually, you’re just horny. It doesn’t mean you like women any more at twenty-one than you did at ten. — Jules Feiffer

Maturity is only a short break in adolescence. — Jules Feiffer

Best Senator Dianne Feinstein Quotes: The most famous quotes by Senator Dianne Feinstein

Toughness doesn’t have to come in a pinstriped suit. — Senator Dianne Feinstein

Best Federico Fellni Quotes: The most famous quotes by Federico Fellni

I claim the right to contradict myself. I don’t want to deprive myself of the right to talk nonsense, and I ask humbly to be allowed to be wrong sometimes. — Federico Fellni

Best Owen Felltham Quotes: The most famous quotes by Owen Felltham

Meditation is the soul’s perspective glass. — Owen Felltham

Best Jerry Della Femina Quotes: The most famous quotes by Jerry Della Femina

I’m hard-nosed about luck. I think it sucks. Yeah, if you spend seven years looking for a job as a copywriter, and then one day somebody gives you a job, you can say, Gee, I was lucky I happened to go up there today. But, dammit, I was going to go up there sooner or later in the next seventy years. If you’re persistent in trying and doing and working, you almost make your own fortune. — Jerry Della Femina

Best Francois de Fenelon Quotes: The most famous quotes by Francois de Fenelon

Discouragement is simply the despair of wounded self-love. — Francois de Fenelon

Best Franois de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon Quotes: The most famous quotes by Franois de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon

Should we feel at times disheartened and discouraged, a confiding thought, a simple movement of heart towards God will renew our powers. Whatever He may demand of us, He will give us at the moment the strength and the courage that we need. — Franois de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon

All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers … Each one owes infinitely more to the human race than to the particular country in which he was born. — Franois de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon

Best Herbert Fenstermeim Quotes: The most famous quotes by Herbert Fenstermeim

The question is not whether you’re frightened or not, but whether you or the fear is in control. If you say, ‘I won’t be frightened,’ and then you experience fear, most likely you’ll succumb to it, because you’re paying attention to it. The correct thing to tell yourself is, ‘If I do get frightened, I will stay in command.’ — Herbert Fenstermeim

Best Millicent Fenwick Quotes: The most famous quotes by Millicent Fenwick

Never feel self-pity, the most destructive emotion there is. How awful to be caught up in the terrible squirrel cage of self. — Millicent Fenwick

Best Richard Fenyman Quotes: The most famous quotes by Richard Fenyman

What did you ask at school today — Richard Fenyman

Best Edna Ferber Quotes: The most famous quotes by Edna Ferber

Life can’t ever really defeat a writer who is in love with writing, for life itself is a writer’s lover until death–fascinating, cruel, lavish, warm, cold, treacherous constant. — Edna Ferber

Living in the past is a dull and lonely business looking back strains the neck muscles, causes you to bump into people not going your way. — Edna Ferber

Only amateurs say that they write for their own amusement. Writing is not an amusing occupation. It is a combination of ditch-digging, mountain-climbing, treadmill and childbirth… But amusing Never. — Edna Ferber

Perhaps too much of everything is as bad as too little. — Edna Ferber

Best Ferdinand I Quotes: The most famous quotes by Ferdinand I

Fiat justitia et pereat mundus.Let justice be done, though the world perish. — Ferdinand I

Best Marilyn Ferguson Quotes: The most famous quotes by Marilyn Ferguson

The most disturbing and wasteful emotions in modern life, next to fright, are those which are associated with the idea of blame, directed against the self or against others. — Marilyn Ferguson

No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal. — Marilyn Ferguson

If the King’s English was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me — Marilyn Ferguson

Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom. — Marilyn Ferguson

Fear is a question What are you afraid of, and why Just as the seed of health is in illness, because illness contains information, your fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if you explore them. — Marilyn Ferguson

Of all the self-fulfilling prophecies in our culture, the assumption that aging means decline and poor health is probably the deadliest. — Marilyn Ferguson

Over the years your bodies become walking autobiographies, telling friends and strangers alike of the minor and major stresses of your lives. — Marilyn Ferguson

Best Enrico Fermi Quotes: The most famous quotes by Enrico Fermi

There’s two possible outcomes if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery. — Enrico Fermi

It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge. — Enrico Fermi

Best Elizabeth Warnock Fernea Quotes: The most famous quotes by Elizabeth Warnock Fernea

Nobody is ever met at the airport when beginning a new adventure. It’s just not done. — Elizabeth Warnock Fernea

Best Doug Ferrari Quotes: The most famous quotes by Doug Ferrari

MTV is the lava lamp of the 1980’s. — Doug Ferrari

Best Richard J. Ferris Quotes: The most famous quotes by Richard J. Ferris

It is now possible for a flight attendant to get a pilot pregnant. — Richard J. Ferris

Best Piero Ferrucci Quotes: The most famous quotes by Piero Ferrucci

Eliminate something superfluous from your life. Break a habit. Do something that makes you feel insecure. — Piero Ferrucci

Best Lewis S Feuer Quotes: The most famous quotes by Lewis S Feuer

Wherever a set of alternative possible routes toward achieving a given end presents itself, a student movement will tend to choose the one which involves a higher measure of violence or humiliation directed against the older generation. — Lewis S Feuer

Best Ludwig Feuerbach Quotes: The most famous quotes by Ludwig Feuerbach

Man is what he eats. — Ludwig Feuerbach

Best Paul Karl Feyerabend Quotes: The most famous quotes by Paul Karl Feyerabend

The best education consists in immunizing people against systematic attempts at education. — Paul Karl Feyerabend

Page Topic: Best Famous Quotes by David G. Farragut, James T. Farrell, Joseph Farrell, David Fasold, Tom Fasulo, William Faulkner, Ken Faver, William Feather, James Feibleman, Jules Feiffer, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Federico Fellni, Owen Felltham, Jerry Della Femina, Francois de Fenelon, Franois de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon, Herbert Fenstermeim, Millicent Fenwick, Richard Fenyman, Edna Ferber, Ferdinand I, Marilyn Ferguson, Enrico Fermi, Elizabeth Warnock Fernea, Doug Ferrari, Richard J. Ferris, Piero Ferrucci, Lewis S Feuer, Ludwig Feuerbach, and Paul Karl Feyerabend